


6 years, 10 months ago


  • eliise, short for eliisabet (not 100% set on the name but i like it)
  • estonian
  • quite old (since shes a councilmember) but not clemency old
  • thought vampires were stuffy and boring but quite likes modern vampire hype
  • dresses the part; had fake wings, wears crosses and victorian gothic dress for show, uses make up to draw on bite marks on her neck
  • young, 18-20
  • very bratty, very undignified. maybe came from royalty and is used to being spoiled or something
  • claims to be dracula's wife, eliisabet, regardless of the fact that dracula is fictional. threatens to sic her husband on people
  • actually hates men tho and thinks theyre ewwy
  • isnt particularly bond of most girls either except her gf
  • treats her coven well and looks after them but isnt particularly personal or close with any of them