

6 years, 7 months ago




NAME: Shin Keiton
AGE: 18
TITLE: Knight of Rage


Shin’s 5 feet 7 inches of attitude. He’s full-Japanese, and so he has short black hair and dark maroon eyes. His eyes are something of an anomaly - his mother has them too, so he doesn’t really think about it. He’s skinny, and pretty thin, but he’s light on his feet too.

He usually wears dark, neutral colors - black shirts and jeans are his signature, and he usually wears duller colors as accents, like a pale red jacket or a grey belt. His symbol is a separated red and white moon - a red crescent and a white oval.

Since ascending to god tier, he’s had the Knight of Rage costume available for use, though he both hates the color purple and the outfit, so he usually just wears his normal outfits instead.

He has a weapon called the Astral Regency, which usually hides within his Sylladex. It has a black hilt with an ornate silver guard. The blade is a deep blue with mixes of dark purples and flecks of white to resemble a galaxy. It’s generally unbreakable, and has no other special powers.


Much of Shin’s life has been plagued with major depression and anxiety. He struggles with comprehending his own emotions - hinging on apathy, at times, because he cannot emotionally understand what is happening. He tends to seem like he really doesn’t care about anything - and while he doesn’t, he’d really like to. It makes him feel guilty because he can’t sympathize with his friends and their problems. 

He hides most of himself behind a mask. To hide his crippling self-consciousness and emotional instability, he makes himself seem like a strong, independent and steady person. He doesn’t want to show weakness - he doesn’t want to worry his friends either, because they all have problems that seem more important than his own. Because of this mask, he seems fiercely independent and he is reluctant to seek help because of the persona he has crafted himself. 

This is in large, the reason why his romantic relationship has failed. He suffers from great trust issues, which stop him from being able to communicate with others and tell them about himself. He’s very reluctant to share information about himself because he feels that people would use that information against him - and while he understands how irrational that kind of thinking is, he can’t help but think so. 

He’s trying his best to get over it, but his crippling anxiety tends to ruin it - and he’s still on the long haul against his depression, so it’s a very slow development as of yet.


Shin Keiton is the only child of single parent Shiina Keiton. Born in Osaka, Japan, he is full Japanese, though the validity of his blood is often questioned because of his maroon eyes. Usually, he ends up wearing contacts to hide the actual color of his eyes, though he only does this when he goes outside.

His father abandoned him and his mother when he was young, and so she had to raise him all on her own. Because she was the only daughter of a wealthy businessman, and she got the whole of his inheritance, they were pretty well off, especially because she followed in her father’s footsteps and became the CEO of an important corporation in Japan.

His childhood is plagued with a growing depression and likewise growing emotional apathy. He’s not sure when it starts, only that it does - likely, with his mother growing more and more distant. While he initially succeeds in school, his grades go down, and eventually, he only passes because he’s naturally smart. During this time, he pours more and more of his work into kendo.

Eventually, through combing the internet instead of doing his homework, he comes across something called ‘Vocaloid’.

He finds something more than he thought he would - a community, of those who feel the same. He usually only communicated with a select few, but he decides that he’s going to try it out - at least, he’s going to see what this entails. He downloads torrents, and sets to work.

Vocaloid becomes a big part of his life - it’s where he thrives for the first time, where he makes a name for himself and is more than just The Kid. When people want to cover his song, he’s flattered. When someone asks him about collaborating - well, that’s when it all begins.

A British girl named Alicia de Linna contacts him, asking if she could draw the art for his next song, and that she knew a friend who was pretty good at animating. 

Through this, they become friends - and he is eventually introduced to Alicia’s friends - Matt Prince, Skye Oshiro and Alcais Satire. They become close friends - him and Matt especially, and he finds out that Matt and Alicia live in England, though in distant cities, Skye is half-Japanese and lives in America, and Alcais lives in France.

At some point, him and Matt decide to start dating - but it doesn’t really work out for either of them, and they go through a long period of time being incredibly awkward after they break up. Eventually, they get back into the swing of things, and they become close friends again.

When they decide to enter Sburb is when everything goes downhill.

Alicia is the first to enter - and then it’s Matt, Skye, Alcais and finally Shin. 

Inevitably, the session is doomed because they don’t have a hero of Space - though, Alcais seems to confirm that while it’s a problem, they just have to wait for a chance.

With this in mind, Shin goes off to do whatever. He’s the server player for Alcais, so he sets him up for success - completing his quest, to clear the mist and haze blocking the night sky. He builds Cais’s home up, so he can reach each of the seven gates, while Alicia does the same for him.

Together, they create a whole load of items - ones, that he doesn’t really care about, but he’s long since given up on trying to understand the world they’ve entered.

It all goes to hell when Alcais accidentally prototypes Skye’s pet bird, Albus. Eventually, they find out that Albus is a First Guardian - but more importantly, with the First Guardian powers given to the Black Queen, the Dersites ready for war. They long feel threatened by the presence of three Prospitian heroes, and only two Dersite heroes. 

While they wait, they grow nearer to their inevitable deaths as the agents of Derse ready for the war. With a fully made Battlefield, the Black and White armies march closer and closer to each other, and the Black Queen calls for Prospit to be destroyed. 

A rogue Prospitian carapace steals the White Queen’s ring, and goes to prevent the rise of Derse by destroying the planet entirely.

Shin, his dream self long awakened by a kiss from Matt, gets ahold of this from the whispers on the streets. He wakes up Matt, and together, they make the journey to the core of Derse’s moon. Awaiting their eventual deaths on their quest beds, they reconciled the past - about their friendship, their relationship, the awkward tension. And when the Sanctimonious Effector comes to destroy Derse, they’re ready.

The Sanctimonious Effector blows right through Derse’s moon, and as Matt and Shin die - they also ascend to god tiers, rising from rainbow light to become the Page of Life and the Knight of Rage. With this, they follow after the Sanctimonious Effector into the Battlefield. They find that without the White Queen’s power, the Black Army has managed to gain the upper hand, and that the Black King has summoned the Reckoning.

Immediately, Shin goes to fight the Black King in order to stop the Reckoning. Along the way, he meets up with newly-made god tier, Alcais, and they begin fighting their way through the Dersite army. Along the way, Shin goes berserk and unleashes a storm among the army, devastating most of it, before he reaches the Black King and utterly destroys him. Before he can end the carapace’s life - he’s dispatched by the Black Queen, and left unconscious to the side.

As meteors rain down on Skaia and the Battlefield, the end is imminent - until the timely arrival of two newcomers. Shouta Kimura and Quinn de Lanci - god tiers of their own right, and long time players, they are powerful. As the Mage of Space, Shouta manipulates everything - all the planets, alongside the remains of Prospit and Derse, and the members of the session. Quinn eventually joins them - saying that he’s started the Scratch with the Celestial Symphony, and that they have to escape before the session restarts. With this, they embark on a Dersite ship to traverse the universes into the Zeta timeline, where they will inevitably find the trolls and entirely unite to be one large session.

It is here on this ship that Shin finds out the truth about his title - about how as the Knight of Rage, he truly weaponizes Rage to its highest degree, and he is its protector. Of how he must cultivate Rage to keep the humans motivated as they set off to create a new universe. But he also finds out about how he’s going to be threatened with losing himself everytime he uses the power unless he finds something to ground him. This is when he figures it out - that the purpose of his land quest was to stabilize him in the case that he became a god tier on his planet.

So - that’s what he’s trying to do, those many months on the ship. Trying to open up and find some ground, though he’s not … very good at it. Along the way, he learns more about his mother in her youth, as a member of Shouta and Quinn’s session - as the Rogue of Hope.


Shin is skilled in swordsmanship, especially with a katana - he’s spent years of his life studying kendo. Thus, his weapon of choice is the katana, and other associated swords. He’s pretty good with throwing knives and stars, though if he had to use a weapon other than the katana, he’d much prefer to use his fists. He has no official hand-to-hand combat training, but since ascending to the Knight of Rage, his unrefined and unpredictable style has been marked with a certain ferocity that is rarely matched.

As a god tier, Shin has natural immortality. He cannot die unless it is a just or heroic death. Any other injury or seemingly deadly injury will merely heal over. He has increased strength and speed, comprehensive knowledge about his aspect, and generally more abilities to use than normal.

Being a Knight of Rage, he naturally weaponizes Rage. Rage envelopes both the aspect of anger but also the idea of negative emotions and inevitability. With this, he has a certain mode called a ‘berserk mode’. In this berserk mode, his strength and speed grow immensely and his eyes glow a reddish hue. He’s immensely durable and he is overpowering to the point of being considered a monster. Alongside this, an additional power he has is the ability to use purple lightning - though, usually, he can only use it when dressed in the Knight of Rage outfit. While it originally surfaced during his berserk modes, he’s begun to understand the concept and usage.

While he has outclassed the need for weapons entirely, he still utilizes the Astral Regency, an alchemized Katana, made from the legendary Astral Awakening staff and the King’s Blade katana. It’s virtually indestructible by normal means - and intensely durable to the point that it won’t break when Shin goes into berserk mode.

Aside from this, he also keeps around a laptop and other nonsensical items inside his inventory, the Sylladex. 


  • Diagnosed with major depression.
  • The overwhelming majority of his flaws are personality related - he has very low emotional empathy, struggles with trust issues and has crippling low self-esteem. He is terrified to reveal himself fully and to leave himself out in the open. There is nothing he fears more than losing control of himself while enraged, and hurting someone he loves.
  • He fears losing control of himself. He doesn’t want to hurt any of his friends - but as he weaponizes Rage, sometimes, that’s inevitable. Regardless, he’s been trying to make steps to stabilize his power, but without a grounding force to break him out of his rage, that’s impossible. His fear of hurting people directly combats with his fear of not wanting to show himself, and because he never asks for help, he never gets it. He’s struggling to accept himself, but without any assistance from others, he’s doomed.
  • His Sylladex is Array. He can pick out any card he wants. 
  • He accesses the Internet using his Compu-Headset. 
  • Astral Regency is a legendary level katana that is nigh unbreakable. It has the blade of galaxies. 
  • He's a mess.


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