
Empty Spot
Empty Spot
Masterlist #
Painted Clouds
Empty Spot
Empty Spot
Base Value
Non-binary Female

Bluebell is an incredibly hyper and social Howltar, which can sometimes come off as a bit much for most. They love to go out to all kinds of events, often on a whim and either with friends or alone. Even with friends, they like to go off on their own to meet new Howltars. And even if they don't even make new long-time friends, they just like talking to all kinds of Howltars, thriving in a big, bustling social environment, which is ironic considering the rural area they live in. Her love of social gatherings is why she likes her nighttime bartending job so much. She sees so many familiar faces, but they never get old, and sometimes there's the chance of seeing someone new visiting town for one reason or the other, and bartending gives her an excuse to chat with them. She comes off as incredibly bright and cheerful, which has earned her the nickname of "Skies" at her job, since her personality is like that of "a clear, sunny day". When she's not out and about, Bluebell is still incredibly talkative online, being part of various forums and platforms revolving around her interests. Every now and then though, she needs to recharge. Sometimes she's not good at keeping up with herself at times, and can get worn out quickly at events. When alone with nothing else going on, she can be surprisingly calm, settling down for a nap or quietly tending to her garden, taking a break from the internet. This is a side of Bluebell that not many get to see, but those closest to her say it's like night and day seeing her go from super energetic and excitable to much more relaxed and laid back.

Many of Bluebell's hobbies are definitely influenced by where and how she grew up. She loves everything about the wilderness, specifically the woods. Her childhood was mainly going out into the forest to explore whatever nooks and crannies she could get into and bringing home various things like bugs, seeds, and flowers. As she grew up, she quickly got into gardening, learning how to grow her own flowers, veggies, and fruits. She's also unapologetically a country girl at heart. She loved roughhousing as a kid, unafraid of getting dirty even in the mud, which is great considering how much gardening she does nowadays. She also loves typical country-styled clothing, her favorite outfit being a pair of overalls and a classic cowboy hat, which pairs very well with her love for the cottagecore aesthetic. She likes to regularly redecorate and rearrange her home with various tapestries, lights, and other knick-knacks as well as shopping for new clothes that match with her home and her shop. She'll even stick various plants in her fur if she thinks it'll fit her outfit.

One thing that Bluebell makes very upfront is that she's a strong advocate for what she believes in, mainly wildlife conservation and LGBT+ rights. Being confident in her gender identity and sexuality, she hopes to help other LGBT+ Howltars find the same confidence as her, frequenting various forums where she can talk to others about their struggles and try to provide various resources for those that are struggling. She also helps set up annual pride events in Dewtown, sometimes going to other towns to help with their events. When they're not doing that, they do whatever they can to help the environment. They're a scout member of W.O.O.D.S.E where they help educate young Howltars on the importance of nature and animals, as well as setting up various events like hikes, overnights in the woods, and fundraisers online. They also try to go into the woods on their own or with friends to clean up any trash left behind by anybody else. They're extremely passionate about what they believe in, and have no patience for bigots or those that don't take the environment seriously, and they're not afraid to make that very clear, even to complete strangers.

  • Charm ♡
  • Nature
  • Hiking & Camping
  • Gardening
  • Bug Collecting
  • Spring & Summer
  • Exploring the Woods
  • Stargazing
  • Early Mornings
  • Cottagecore Aesthetics
  • Country Music
  • The Color Blue
  • Cold Weather
  • Big Cities
  • Girly Clothing
  • Rap Music
  • Littering
  • Bright Lights
  • Wasteful Packaging
  • Sleeping In
  • Logging
  • Feeling Cooped Up
  • She's named after my favorite flower, the bluebell, which is the state flower of my home state, Texas, which fits Bluebell's southern-ish aesthetic.
  • A lot of her personality is based off my own childhood experiences living in Texas.
  • She currently doesn't have a voice claim, but she definitely speaks with a southern accent.
  • She's my secondary fursona alongside my main fursona, Blythe. Despite this, I don't see them being in each other's friend groups even if they have a lot of mutuals.
Design Notes
  • She often has some sort of plant in her fur or feathers, but some of the most common ones are daisies and holly.
  • Her tail has curly fur, but the rest of her body has pretty smooth fur.
  • They have a very gender neutral appearance, so no super feminine or masculine features.
  • The apron they wear in their original artwork is their work uniform and optional to draw.

Theme Song

"Find My Way" --- Caden's Hill

Bluebell was born and raised in the tiny town of Dewtown, a cozy little farmer village just oustide of Cinderville Woods. Alongside her childhood friend, Retro, a majority of her childhood consisted of venturing deep into the woods to discover whatever secrets and danger may be laying in wait for them, even if it meant risking getting in trouble with their parents. This gave Bluebell a strong love for the environment that would only grow as she got older. When most young pips were scared of grubs and mantises, Bluebell adored bugs and would spend a lot of time catching and watching them instead of playing with the other pips. Whenever she did play with other pips, it would mostly be with the boys since she was considered too rough for most of the girls to handle, preferring to play-fight outside in the dirt instead of playing with plushies and toy houses. As she grew older into middle and high school, Bluebell faced a few attempts of bullying due to her "boyish" nature and fascination with bugs and plants, but she grew into a very optimistic young bird who was quite confident with who she was as a person, so these attempts never bothered her. Thankfully, it never went beyond that. Had it gotten physical, Bluebell was quite confident she would win in a fight with any would-be bully. When not dealing with that, Bluebell was a very social and highly respected student among her peers, being one of the top of her class when she graduated and taking the highest environmental classes she could. She wasn't quite sure of what she was going to do with her life, but she knew she wanted it to have a focus on plants.

During her time in high school, Bluebell discovered fairly early on that she was bisexual. She had always had a thing for women, but as a kid, she didn't really think about it and brushed it off as one girl finding another girl's style pretty. But things became clearer as she grew older, and she was pretty open about her sexuality, which pretty much the whole town accepted openly. However, there was something else she couldn't quite figure out for a long time until well after high school. She'd always been very tomboyish for as long as anyone could remember, but to Bluebell, it went just beyond that. She felt as though she didn't fully identify as female. She was feminine, sure, but maybe not 100% female. She started experimenting with they/them pronouns among her friends, which caught on really well to her surprise, though she still liked being called she/her. She eventually settled on using both, and became more comfortable with who she was as a result. This eventually led to her coming out to her family and friends as a non-binary female. To her surprise, this went over very well and it wasn't long before all of the Dewtown community found out, and showered Bluebell with support. Even some of the older residents of the town did their best to practice using they/them pronouns when referring to Bluebell.

After high school, Bluebell took up a job in Featherstone at the market, working to save money and eventually figure out what it is they wanted to do. That's when they found out there was a place available in Dewtown, a big, ancient tree stump that had been a shop of sorts in the past, but lay abandoned for years until a realtor managed to put the property up for sale. Then it clicked in Bluebell's mind that they wanted to share their produce in a market of their very own. Alongside their grocery job in Featherstone, they took up a part-time night shift job at Dewtown's saloon, Birds-of-a-Feather, to make extra cash. They wanted to be able to buy the old property as soon as possible, and their family was even willing to help with some of the payments. Before long, she claimed the tree stump as her own, though there was still a lot of work to be done. It was an old building, and Bluebell wanted to build off of the stump to make a new attached building that would be her home. That way, she wouldn't have to worry about rushing around too much between work and home. With the help of family and friends, Bluebell was eventually able to accomplish this and proudly named her new shop Blue's Grocery & Gardening, a place that would quickly become a hub for the residents of Dewtown. She started out with selling her own stuff when she had time to do so, and eventually started selling her cousin Stardew's produce once he got his farm up and running. With his help, she was able to make some connections that would take her produce outside of town to sell at other shops. This also brought shoppers from outside of Dewtown who wanted to buy the products fresh. Shortly after, Bluebell quit her job in Featherstone to focus full-time on her shop, though she kept her job at the saloon, both for extra cash and social interaction.

Some time after her market was properly up and running, Bluebell met Charm on an LGBT+ forum. Bluebell quickly got to know Charm due to their frequent vents about their frustrations with living in a town that wasn't as accepting of queer Howltars, as well as their confusion with their own gender identity. Over time, the two became good friends online, mostly talking, but sometimes playing games together. Bluebell could tell Charm wasn't happy where she was, so they took a leap and offered to help Charm move out to Dewtown, a much safer community for queer Howltars compared to Charm's town of Bristleburrow. There was a lot of uncertainty, but eventually, Charm agreed. After a couple weeks of prep, she left and arrived in Dewtown. Bluebell could tell she was anxious about taking such a big leap in life, but they were determined to help her out in any way they could. Bluebell, Retro, and Stardew banded together to help Charm figure out life in Dewtown, moving her into Stardew's guesthouse while Bluebell helped Charm get a job at the bakery and eventually find their own apartment. During this time, the two became even closer, and before long, Bluebell caught on that Charm seemed to have a little crush on them, though this would eventually grow into something more as Bluebell realized they too were forming feelings for the pastel bird. For the first time in a long time, Bluebell felt uncharacteristically shy around Charm, unable to show their feelings outside of light teasing. They were flirty with each other for a long time, but Bluebell was the first to break through, knowing Charm might never have the confidence to do so. They surprised him at his apartment, nervously saying they loved him, and thankfully, Charm had said it back. It wasn't long before their relationship was very well known in town and Charm soon moved in with Bluebell and started selling their own baked treats in Bluebell's shop. The two now spend all their time together, at work, at home, and sometimes grouping up with Stardew and Retro when they all have time to relax from their busy lives.

Charm --- Romantic Partner

Charm is Bluebell's romantic partner. The two met on an LGBT+ support forum where they got to know each other mainly from Charm venting his uncertainty about living in a town that would likely never accept his identity. But with Bluebell's help, he was able to move out to Dewtown and start a new, happier, healthier life there. After figuring out a job and a place to live, the two eventually formed feelings for one another, and fell in love. It wouldn't be long before Charm would move in with Bluebell. Alongside working at the bakery in town, Charm sells his own baked goods at Bluebell's shop when he has time to make them. When they're not working, they're mainly spending time at home due to Charm's social anxiety, but every now and then, Bluebell is able to coerce Charm into hanging out with friends or participating in community activities like volunteering with W.O.O.D.S.E. or going to the saloon for dinner and chatting with other Dewtown residents.

Stardew --- Cousin

Stardew is Bluebell's younger cousin. He was born and raised in a distant city called Mt. Evergreen, meaning his family would have to travel in order to see their extended family in Dewtown. Whenever he did visit, he and Bluebell were basically inseparable, spending most of their time out in the woods or playing on his grandparents' farmland. As they grew older and Stardew's visits became less frequent, they still stayed in close contact online, watching videos and playing games together. When their grandparents passed away and their will revealed Stardew was set to inheret the Dewdrop Farmlands, Bluebell was ecstatic, and gladly helped her cousin move into Dewtown and adjust to the small-town lifestyle. The two now sell both of their veggies, fruits, and other products in Bluebell's shop, working together to promote one another. Outside of work, they're still the same kids they were before, venturing out into the woods to explore and spending a majority of their free time together.

Retro Harrington --- Childhood Best Friend

Retro and Bluebell grew up together in Dewtown, being very close in age. Due to the rural nature of their town, they spent most of their time exploring the deep Cinderville woods and trying to scare one another. As they grew up, Bluebell realized that Retro saw their friendship as something more, and for some time, this put a strain on the two of them since she didn't feel the same way. But eventually, he was able to move on from those feelings, and the two grew closer once again. Bluebell helped with fixing up an old building that would become Retro's theater, the very first one in Dewtown, and now, she visits her friend at work at least once a week to see a movie and say hi at the end of his shift. When they're not working, Bluebell and Retro often hang out at Birds-of-a-Feather for a couple drinks and dinner with other friends, or Bluebell is going to Retro's place for movie nights.

Jasper Pines --- Close Friend/Scout Leader

Jasper moved to Dewtown when Bluebell was still in high school. There, he worked to establish W.O.O.D.S.E, the Wilderness Operations of Defense, Security, & Education group, who's main goal is to protect Cinderville Woods and other surrounding environments as a wilderness reserve, and educate other Howltars on how to live environmentally conscious. Alongside the main group, Jasper also runs Sprout Scouts, an educational group mainly directed towards kids, though anyone can join, meant to teach wilderness survival, identification of plants and animals, and setting up events like camp-outs, fundraisers, and litter-cleaning treks in the woods. Bluebell joined the group shortly after high school when they were still uncertain about what to do with their life, and they were debating being a park ranger like Jasper. They partook in as many activities as possible over the years, even after they decided they wanted to run a grocery market in town. Bluebell and Jasper bonded over the years, slowly becoming friends and not just teacher and student. Eventually, Bluebell became a top Sprout Scout and was Jasper's designated right-hand Howltar, helping with various fundraiser events and educating young Howltars on the importance of the wilderness. Though they bonded mainly over nature, Bluebell and Jasper do so much more outside of that. Jasper frequently visits the saloon, whether Bluebell is working or not, and sometimes they'll see a movie together at Retro's theater. They also enjoy setting up their own camp-outs with just friends and family, no official W.O.O.D.S.E. work necessary.

Forestfeather --- Friend

Like Charm, Bluebell met Forestfeather on an LGBT+ forum, though this one was mainly focused on the local area of Dewtown and other surrounding towns. Forestfeather is a gay non-binary Howltar who runs a café/bookstore in Featherstone called London's Fog. The two bonded over their shared non-binary identity and overall queerness. Bluebell helped Forestfeather with getting the word about his café outside of Featherstone, and tries to visit as often as she can. While they're not very close since they don't see each other often, they're still good friends and enjoy sharing cups of coffee together on occasion.

Blythe --- Mutual Friend

Blythe and Bluebell don't know each other very well, but they definitely know about one another. Blythe is good friends with Stardew, which is how they met Bluebell in the first place. Blythe also frequently visits Retro's theater so they're recognized there as well. Though they share a lot of interests, they don't hang out very often, at least not alone. When they do see each other, it's mainly because Stardew invited them both somewhere or they happen to bump into each other at the theater or Forestfeather's café. They get along great though, and Bluebell hopes that some day, they can become much better friends.