


2 years, 4 months ago


  • Mikuri (Klee) Kotone

  • age 19
  • gender cis fem
  • race Kantonese
  • role Apprentice Researcher/Loreseeker
  • theme

Cute • Clumsy • Clearly an Idiot


Klee is often described as a kind and friendly person by those she's met and befriended. She greets strangers with warm smiles and a helping hand to whomever may need it. Her greatest strength is her compassionate heart, this along with her upbeat and optimistic outlook makes her a cheerful person to be around when you need someone to lift your spirits.

Despite her cheerful appearance, Klee is somewhat modest and shy. She prefers not to draw a lot of attention to herself, and instead cheer others on. That's not to say she doesn't have ambitioin, she's quite the dreamer and will pursue those dreams with as much effort as she can.

One of Klee's biggest downfalls is her very trusting nature. She's also naive, ignorant, and childish, even. She's very good at making sure her friends and loved ones are taken care of, but often fails to go to the same lengths for herself. Her recklessness has placed her in many troubling situations, to where she's had to rely on others to help her. Because of this, she holds some resentment towards herself, believing that she needs to become "better" at handling her own emotions. Even though she struggles with herself, she always wishes for everyone else to be happy (and not upset with her, nor anyone else in general), and has become a people-pleaser as a result. She'll do whatever she can to stop any conflict.

"There's still time left in the day and places to be discovered!"

height 5'2"

build lithe

pronouns she/her

s.o. bisexual

dob May 10

sign Aries

origin Pallet, Kanto

occupation Apprentice Researcher / Aspiring Loreseeker

mbti INFP

demeanor Optimistic

tarot The Fool

element Versatile

obtained Original

value N/A


  • nature walks
  • strawberry pastries
  • pokemon
  • strange places


  • violence/conflict
  • sudden loud sounds
  • asparagus
  • cold lonely nights

Pallet Life

Klee's life started simple in her hometown of Pallet. She grew up being constantly surrounded by Pokemon as her father was a Pokemon Research Lab assistant and her mother a daycare worker. She'd constantly visit both her parents at their workplaces after school and would play with as many Pokemon as she could, even if they were dangerous for such a young child to be around. Her favorite place to play was amongst the trees inside Viridian Forest, which wasn't far from her house. Most of the Pokemon inhabiting the forest were harmless, and after a dozen or so visits, they'd gotten used to seeing her climbing over the fallen logs and rummaging for berries to offer to her new "friends".

Klee didn't have many friends as a child, since her only interest was in befriending Pokemon, not people. No one else had much interest in her either, seeing as she thought she could actually talk to Pokemon, even though everyone knew it was impossible. Along with this, her only human friend was on outcast in the town who never spoke a single word. Everyone pegged them as "weirdos" and moved on with their lives.

Fated Encounter

She had no big interest in becoming a Pokemon Trainer until she met a strange boy and an even stranger Pokemon in Viridian Forest while doing her usual stroll. The mysterious Pokemon that took on the forms of other species sparked her curiosity in just what kinds of other Pokemon existed and what abilities they could hold. The fiery passion in the trainer and his partner's eyes while they battled the transforming Pokemon made her realize just how intimate and intense a Pokemon battle could be.

Before she and the boy parted ways, he asked her what sort of dream she had. She'd decided that she wanted to befriend every Pokemon in the world, and in order to do that, she'd become a Pokemon Trainer.

...Cut to a few years later, Professor Oak hands Klee a Poke Ball to help her capture the Eevee that they just discovered in the tall grass on Route 1. With a successful capture, she'd obtained her very best partner, and her very best friend for the years to come.

Trainer Life

Klee and Eevee set off on their journey together with seemingly no solid goals. They tried the Kanto Gym Challenge as a form of guidance (after all, that's what most young trainers aim to complete). She and her team came out with eight well-earned badges, but failed to get past the League Competition's preliminary rounds. Still, they didn't feel as if their journey was complete yet. Her father pointed her out east to Johto, and there they began the second chapter of their adventure.

It was during her visit in Johto's infamous Ruins of Alph where Klee truly discovered her fascination with strange phenomenon and myths surrounding Pokemon. All it took was a fateful meeting with dozens of Unown in the ruins and their eerie songs and untranslatable hidden messages. The Symbol Pokemon disappeared in an instant, leaving Klee and Eevee boggled and full of questions. Ever since that encounter, she's kept a journal full of notes and queries about Pokemon mysteries left unanswered.

Many years later, Klee's traveled through various regions in hopes of fulfilling her dreams: uncovering the mysteries of Pokemon myths, folklore, and legends, along with meeting and befriending as many Pokemon as any human possibly can. She's currently partnered and under the mentorship of another famous Researcher in the Sinnoh Region and assists the Pallet Town Pokemon Research Lab with whatever she's capable of and capable to provide. Even still, she sets out on more adventures with Eevee and her other partners to see just what left can be discovered.



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[ relationship ] Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse sit amet massa blandit, fermentum enim a, scelerisque velit. Integer interdum urna ac dui sollicitudin sollicitudin. In feugiat posuere nulla, eget lobortis ante.



[ relationship ] Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse sit amet massa blandit, fermentum enim a, scelerisque velit. Integer interdum urna ac dui sollicitudin sollicitudin. In feugiat posuere nulla, eget lobortis ante.

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