Wendy Gray



2 years, 4 months ago


Name Wendy Gray
Gender Female
Age 17 years
Birthday May 17
Species Human
Height 1.65 mt
Orientation Bisexual
Occupation Heroine

Wendy was born as the only daughter of Tadeo del Río and Britney Gray, a marriage of two superheroes. While her father had enhanced abilities due to nanobots, her mother came from a long lineage of vigilante-type heroes, skilled in physical combat and the use of gadgets. As a Gray, Wendy was supposed to take her mother's role one day. 

When she was 12, a mysterious being came from a portal, causing chaos in St. Stella City. The battle was long and lots of lives were lost, among them was Tadeo, Wendy's father. Her dad's loss made a huge impact on the girl's personality, straining her relationship with her mom for several years. During those tough years, it was Alexi's presence as a big brother that helped Wendy to overcome such loss. 

Several years passed before more of those portals spread through the city, bringing both enemies as well as allies. Now, alongside Alexi, Raphael, Louis and Shinto, Wendy has to fight growing herds of enemies while trying to find the mysterious origin of the portals and the intention behind them. 

Wendy's relationship with her mom, although fixed through those times, is still quite awkward, as Wendy fears she won't be able to live to her family's name expetations. She also feels stuck under Britney's shadow.

  • Collecting cute headbands
  • Gymnastics
  • Grapes
  • Indie music
  • Nosy people
  • Being compared to her mom
  • Rollerskating
  • Dark coffee