


2 years, 4 months ago


meet byt (they/it), a rare addison/werewire hybrid that was accidentally created when some files got compiled together and became corrupted with the end result being a fusion between the two species 

they aren't very welcomed by a lot of cyber city's residents due to fear of being glitched out by them (tho this is just rumors and not actually true, they cannot glitch other folks unless they are corrupted as well beforehand so most ppl are safe)- 

in order to keep ppl from freaking out, they have to work under the other addisons in the background of things (such as keeping track of inventory, ordering more stock, doing their taxes LMAO, etc.) and not be the face of any products being sold as they could potentially lose business 

it's probably for the best anyways as they are not as suave as their fellow addisons when it comes to selling and marketing products of any kind but they do wish they had the confidence because their current jobs bores them 

as far as personality goes, they're very chill and easy going with their head up in the clouds more times than not- quite the dreamer but not the doer lol 

they're also social inept so they cannot do typical addison work unfortunately- they also have a difficult time expressing feelings but you'll know how they're feeling based on their electric powers flaring up a certain way 

speaking of which, they do possess typical powers a werewire has but they do not fully utilize or understand them for that matter- most of it is used by accident due to their emotions flaring up the power inside of them. they may or may not be useful for it...

as far as relationships go with residents of cyber city, a lot of people tend to avoid them or even flat out ignore them in order to avoid any conversation with them. the only ones that at the very least tolerates them are the addisons that they work under, using them as their underling as they're quick and efficient. it is unknown what any of the mansion residents or queen thinks of it as they have never came into contact, at least yet.