


2 years, 3 months ago


Name: Misha

Gender: male (he/they)

Age: 38

Personality: Misha is the sweetest thing, he’s such a dad. he loves people and socializing, and does his best to be friendly and include people. 

Sexuality: bisexual, leans towards men

Likes: baking, cows, kids, board games, cows, animals, cooking, building things, *cows*

Dislikes: fighting, soda, guns, blood, raunchy humor

Background: Misha was born to some nomads outside of the city, and was adopted by a man named Danny. Danny had a small farm well outside of the city. Misha grew up hearing stories about the city, Danny had always wanted to live there, but feared he would never be able to make money. they had a very close bond, everything Misha knows, he learned from Danny. when Misha was in his late 20’s, Danny died, and to honor his dream, Misha moved to the city, and got a job selling pastries and baked goods at the Mecha Mall. 

Physical description: big strong man. he’s v v muscular, has shaggy hair, thick eyebrows with a thin scar over one, and a beard. he has a tattoo of a chicken on his shoulder, and a cow on his arm. 

Height: 6’8

Weight: 310 lbs

Species: humanoid 

Mods: cow horns, earrings, and a couple tattoos

Strengths: baking/cooking, **stronk**, lovely singer, great memory

Weaknesses: a little to forgiving, avoids conflict at all costs

Often worn clothes: very tight button downs (not by choice, he’s just huge so uhh), always brightly colored and usually with fun designs and cargo shorts.


  • he always remembers how you like your food and cooks and modifies it to your perfection every time.