


6 years, 10 months ago



Name Khage
Designer Tigressa
Gender Female
Significant Other None
Rules [May gift, place for readopt, or trade for another kalon only.
Species Kalon

RoleSickly Seamstress


  • Fur is silky soft

✔/ Positive - Outgoing - Hopeful - Appreciates every moment - Loving

X/ Sickly - Tired - Quiet - Left behind - Insecure

Born with a terrible illness, Khage was always confined to the walls of her room where she could be cared for constantly. Terrible pain, coughs, and weakness plague her and her issues are only exaggerated when she goes outside or pursues activity too vigorous for her. She has been many places, but when her brother bought his own home, she decided to turn to live with her elder sibling. Caoshe was her dearest friend- the brother who spent all of his time at her bedside, reading, working, telling her stories and teaching her. Treating her like a person when others didn't, and she was quick to follow him when given the opportunity. Over the years he has taught her to sew and write, and shared with her things she can do even while trapped by her own sickness. She has become an excellent seamstress, creating beautiful embroidery patterns and toys for children, and enjoys writing poetry when she is able to. She may not be able to go far, but her daydreams help make her life easier, and despite being inside she has frequent visitors from the villagers who make requests for personalized gifts and toys for their children. 

Her brother is proud of her for staying positive despite how hard her life has been.

Khage is sweet and caring, and appreciates everything in her life. She's learned that good days can be fleeting and rare, and thus tries to appreciate them at every opportunity. She'll share smiles, even when she's not feeling her best, and is generally pleasant towards most she meets.
