


2 years, 3 months ago


✦ Chiro CaAl ✦

✦ SPECIESCat x Goat


✦ SEXUALITY Pansexual

✦ Occupation/hobby Pastry Chef

✦ Theme Song



Chiro is a really laid back and chill guy who truly enjoys making the people around him feel comfortable and happy with the sweets he cooks. He has a very 'stoic' air about him and is often described as 'the father everyone wishes they had'. He isn't 'quick to anger' and tends to let things go very easily (maybe more than he should). He hopes to one day own his own cafe and serve all the best forms of edible happiness.


◈ Prominent eyebrows; very bushy

◈ Goat-like nose (nose is virtually hairless and has a peach-fuzz feel)

◈ Paw pads are all connected into one ‘single’ pad on both hands and feet

◈ Tail band goes on the end of the tail, just before the tuft (if included)

◈ CAN blow hot steam due to some dragon-y abilities (but can’t breathe fire, he’s not that cool)

◈ The inner core of his horns can glow when showing strong emotions

◈ If drawn in feral form - tail band and collar are required

◈ If drawn in anthro form - collar and tail band are optional

While he has an absolute talent for baking sweets...he absolutely fails at anything other than desserts...go figure

His horns will glow softly when he's blowing hot steam and/or showing strong emotions

While he can't breathe fire, he CAN emit searing steam

The bell around his neck is actually an old 'shop-keeper bell' that was once attached to a door in his great-grandfather's restaurant. When the old place was sold, the great-grandfather took the bell down and kept it. The bell was passed down to his grandfather...then his father...and now to him. It's become a tradition to pass it down to the next chef/baker in the family.