Serasha £266



2 years, 3 months ago
Trade Listing
For Sale (Real Currency)

Basic Info

Original Value



Owner: Puddle
Name: Serasha
Bloodline: N/A
Species: Granthera x Liothuna
Gender: Female
Birth Date: April 5th
Parents: N/A
Cubs: Hrosskel, Valeria

Stats: STR – 3 | RES – 5 | WIS – 9 | CHA – 4 | DEX – 9
Traits: Ears: UC | Tails: L | Fangs: UC | Size: UC | Eyes: L
Mutations: Black Piebald
Special Bases: N/A


Personality: Surprisingly shy and a bit of a dreamer. Loves nature in all its forms and has taught herself to mimic just about any sound. Has a lovely singing voice and loves any sort of lore and history she can find. Willing to teach others through song, or just loves entertaining others with her voice.
History: tbd
Mated to: Cicatraz
