
2 years, 3 months ago


when you are eternally young, handsome, fit, and energetic, everything SHOULD be perfect. asher has a wonderful life; he travels internationally, preforming for hundreds of people a night, meets many celebrities and has enough money to buy whatever he wants, do whatever he wants.

the only problem is that he does not feel any satisfaction from any of it. the closest thing he’s ever felt to what a human calls ‘happiness’ is when he looked down at the dark purple-black bruises that ringed his late manager’s fragile neck, with both legs on either side of his torso to keep his body in place. he felt that same joy-adjacent emotion when he was examining the dent in his agent’s skull after picking up the miniature safe from where it was lodged in her head. it wasn’t the money in the safe - he didn’t take it when he left the office. it was the bloodshot bulging eyes, the bloody bitten tongue, the loose skin giving way to brain matter underneath broken bone. that’s satisfaction. that’s the most asher has ever felt.

he is trapped in an eternal youth that he is incapable of being grateful for. imagine a thrill seeker; a terminal adrenaline junkie. now put that person’s mind into a computer and stretch a skin over it, give it blonde eyelashes and glasses. congratulations! we at Rising Star Records LLC would like to introduce you to the Advanced Sentient Humanoid Entertainment Robot (ASHER).

now that he is alone, he is free, but bored. the public loves the novelty of him; his simulacrum of the ideal singer, but he gets nothing from it. he watches people walk down the street and recounts his memories of flesh giving way under his hands, to the clean sharp smell of bleach that got the blood out of his clothes. he WANTS, more than anything, to feel something again. it might be a crossed wire in his body somewhere, a mislabeled switch, something, but he knows what he’s got to do.

if he’s found out, they’ll terminate him. they’ll shut him down and shove him in a warehouse somewhere in Illinois or Ohio with a bunch of other scrap metal for storage. he’d be scared, but that is sadly not possible. let them find out. eventually they’ll all die, and then maybe someone will restart him again.

until whenever that happens, asher will keep doing what he does best: singing and killing.

The Advanced Sentient Humanoid Entertainment Robot (ASHER) model version one was discontinued on September 26, 1975. After multiple complaints from the public about performance issues and discovered errors in internal programming, Rising Star Records LLC took ASHER out of the public sphere and it was transferred to a secure storage facility in an undisclosed location where it wouldn't be able to be tampered with. Subsequent models of the robot were never made, but some speculate that others were developed and not released to the public. Shortly after ASHER's discontinuation Rising Star Records LLC fell into legal trouble, the specifics of which were kept classified, and the company shut down in the early 1980s. Rising Star Records LLC in its heyday was both a record label and a creative pioneer in entertainment technology, due to its popular release of the four-speaker stereo system for homes and recreation facilities, as well as WalkBack Sneakers™, a pair of shoes that powered a connected pair of headphones with energy generated by motion. Nowadays, faint memories of Rising Star Records LLC linger in the minds of those who were young when it was at its peak, but the company itself is far outshined by the tale of its most disastrous creation. The location of the facility where its prototype inventions and obsolete technology along with the original ASHER model is unknown, but cult fans of the infamous robot's music are still looking for it. 

[he/him | it/its | playlist]