Sea Glass - $5



2 years, 4 months ago


Sea Glass ~ 

Species - Canine

Gender - Male

Likes ~ Plush toys, pillows, soft blankets these are for his own safe place located in a hidden cave, he greatly appreciates time to himself just to chill out, but also likes spending time with a few friends

Dislikes ~ Anything dirty…(He take great pride in his coat and greatly dislikes getting it dirty) Extremely hot weather, his beautiful coat is luscious and thick… hot weather is not ideal, especially when he can’t find a freshwater creek to float around in! 

Favourite Food ~ Anything sweet! Sea Glass has developed a love for anything sweet and loved with sugar… he will eat anything that is brightly coloured!

Hated Foods ~ Absolute refusal to eat anything spicy, he has a very sensitive tongue so naturally anything spicy is off the menu…

Personally ~ Sea Glass is a very calming personality, with his relaxing colour tones he can settle and soothe anyone just by being around them 💚

He is rather mischievous if left alone without anything to craft with… that being said Sea Glass also loves to just chill out in his den surrounded by soft plush toys and pillows he has hoarded! 

Fur ~ Sea Glass has magnificent soft fur coat that is just like touching silk, he always maintains his appearance and most certainly hates getting his beautiful coat dirty!