


2 years, 3 months ago



Name Malaise
Designer MochaMonchi
Gender Female
ObtainedArt trade
Significant Other None
Rules May gift or trade
Species Luxray/Arcticuno

RoleAstrologer and fortune teller


  • Electric/psychic type
  • She can glide, but cannot fly extended distances.
  • Her tail is long and silky, and catches a lot of light/iridescence 

Malaise is a quiet and reserved luxray who generally keeps to herself and will go to great lengths to avoid social interaction. She is afraid of change and the unexpected, and as such tries to surround herself in things that are constant, routine, and manageable. She doesn't pry into the lives of others, or place herself in situations to be surprised (To any extent she can help it). She would rather fade into the background like a shadow and be on her way in silence.

She is cautious and every word or action she takes is made with great deliberation and consideration, often meaning she is slow to act and respond-both in physical action and in her words- she'll often stop mid-conversation to ponder exactly how to say what she wants and how. She's a strong perfectionist who will always do everything to the absolute and utmost accuracy. As such, she tends to hyperfocus on one thing at a time, making it very difficult to sway her path from something she's set her mind to. 

She believes strongly in fate and the stars, and believes all of life is a book that can be read- if you only know how to flip to the right pages or read between the lines. While the validity of this is arguable- and even she admits that its never an exact science, this spiritual aspect of her life brings her comfort in a world she finds to be scary and unpredictable. 


  • She likes clocks and has multiple in her den- the soft,constant, and predictable rythmic ticking brings her comfort
  • "I don't like other pokemon. They are the greatest unknowns."
  • She attributes her intution about events to the stars and fate, but realistically- it's probably just because she's a psychic type. 

Malaise was a loner from the time she was born. She had siblings, a big family-parents and grandparents and aunts and uncles in her pride. However, she chose to leave it. Seeking her own destiny elsewhere. She was too unusual for them, often being scolded for her "anti-social" and uncooperative self-isolating habits. She found beauty in being alone, in seeking knowledge, in seeking truth and perceiving things as a philsopher instead of aligning herself with the pride she was born in.

She willingly abandoned her family and never saw them afterward. She set up a den for herself alone atop a mountain- where she could see the stars and read their messages most fully. She only really emerges at night- preferring not to be seen in daylight as much as she can help it.

She collects books and while she only has a few (Where would she really get books atop a mountain?) They are well worn and well loved. Of course, being a pokemon, she cannot actually read...she just likes the sensation of flipping pages and trying to make sense of the odd runes and 


  • Routine and constants
  • Stars and the sky
  • "Reading"
  • Warm campfires

  • The unknown
  • Rain and storms
  • Attention
  • Disruptions 

Name relationship

Nam augue velit, ultrices vitae vestibulum sed, dignissim eu tortor.

Name relationship

Nam augue velit, ultrices vitae vestibulum sed, dignissim eu tortor.

Name relationship

Nam augue velit, ultrices vitae vestibulum sed, dignissim eu tortor.

Name relationship

Nam augue velit, ultrices vitae vestibulum sed, dignissim eu tortor.