Miette Anderson



2 years, 7 months ago


78 Years Old | Female | Demisexual | 5' 5" | Celestial Being

Miette is a somewhat dainty young woman with a slender build and a sweet, charming face with fluffy silver hair and rich golden colored eyes. She has a pale complexion with no signs of blemishing or scarring, one to really look after herself and her overall health means she's a pretty clear young woman.


Miette is a kind and sweet young woman with a bright smile. She loves enjoying nature, including getting a bit dirty. Even though she appears as a very well kept young lady she is never against getting down in the mud for some old fashion fun and romping. Raised as a bit of a farm kid, she never really became that fancy or prissy kind of woman. Though she isn't exactly a total slob either and does sometimes enjoy a fancy dress up session or spa day to keep her skin healthy and clean. Especially so considering how much she's out getting dirt on her, she's learned to be pretty precise when it comes to her cleanliness habits. This also is part of why she prefers to keep her hair cut short in order to have less hair to clean up and brush a bunch of debris and gunk out of when she's done having a field day, quite literally.

She very passionate about animals, growing up on a farm having given her an appreciation for life. This also creates a strong work ethic in the young woman, hard work being a very important thing to her when it comes to getting what she wants in life. She firmly believes to get the things she wants, she has to put in hard work in order to obtain and earn it. She loves to keep herself busy, at times being a bit restless and this can cause her to become a bit anxious as well. So she often needs some way to keep her body working and moving. It's seldom that Miette will be found sitting still, especially if there is some kind of task available for her to do.

When it comes to others she is one who cares strongly about those she's close to and is known to become anxious when she starts worrying about those she is close to. Whether it be because somebody is gone longer than she was expecting to be or anything like that. If things are getting too much she's even known to go out looking if she feels somebody is exceptionally in danger, but this is generally when she knows someone is on a trip that could be dangerous already or on a task which could be risky. She loves making others happy and is always fond of giving small gifts to people in some fashion. Typically something with a bit of sentimental meaning behind it.