Beloved Prophet



2 years, 4 months ago


"Your gift is too precious to lose. Do you understand that? You may have not been able to save us, but if you master your gift... you may be able to save others."

"I wish to stay with you... please, sir..."

The pouring rain chilled me to the bone, but it could never compared to how coldly the coven looked down upon me that night. As I looked past the group, I saw the flickering lights of approaching torches, as well as hear the screams of a riot. Time was running out. I had seen it all a moment too late; all the blood and pain... However, I never saw myself amongst the bodies. I wish I did. My head was pounding as if my skull would crack under the pressure. The pain made it so I could barely think. No chance for protest.

"I will not say this again, prophet. Run while you can, follow the flickering star. We will hold them back."

I had no choice but to run. I left everyone and ran aimlessly into the night. I never saw them perish... but I knew my vision had come into fruition before the sun rose again.

Why was this curse born with me? I wish to stop seeing- it hurts so much.

Please, help me.