Vicome Bysshe



2 years, 4 months ago



Name Vicome Bysshe
Age 12 Sweeps
Gender Nonbinary (She/It)
Orientation Asexual
Occupation Librarian/Writer
Caste Rustblood
Alias Suedes Unseen
Residence GLB-206
Height 5'10
Voiceclaim TBA


Vicome hails from a large city on Alternia and was raised by a two-headed lion until her 5th sweep. From that sweep forward she found herself alone after the leaving of her lusus and she found herself on her own and dealing with the worry of growing up.

Vicome was ultimately luckier than trolls before her and grew abnormally but competent. Gaining a job under a pseudonym as a writer is how she pays for her necessities. She gets through her sweeps working to be as unremarkable as possible and aside from having to be more covert with her writings with the sweeps.



Vicome grew in an incredibly busy and grimy alternian city with her two-headed lion lusus. Her young sweeps were unremarkable until her fifth sweep when everything fell apart. Vicome's ancestor, The Ethereal, used her lusus as a vessel and ripped through the lusus killing it and making herself visible to the young troll. From this point on, The Ethereal, forcefully possessed Vicome and cemented herself to the troll's soul.

Living without a lusus and with an additional thought process was hard enough as it was but Vicome was luckier than her predecessors in many terms. She survived unremarkably by doing freelance writing for businesses and her own novels. She was isolated during the times on planet despite her attempts to socialize.


Once exiled at 10 sweeps, Vicome began her proper career as a writer both in the public eye and within the empire black market as Suedes Unseen, the alias used by all Ethereal's vessels. She's fairly well-known for a writer of her caste and incredibly proud of it.


  • Lusus is a lion and based off of many libraries with lion statues out front.
  • Writes both public and black market books that're usually deemed rebel material.
  • Has a third job as a novel critic for the extra cash.
  • Ancestor was a reveered writer in rebel circles for her controversial metaphors of lowblood life.


RITONA coworker

"Ritona is fine when she works."

Despite Vicome's cold and almost hostile nature toward the troll, she enjoys her company. With Ritona 'missing' she's left feeling awfully alone in the library. Her only friend.

NAME relationship

Sed aliquet turpis nulla, at venenatis lectus volutpat quis. Phasellus non purus vel dui eleifend commodo nec a erat. Sed dolor tellus, fringilla a velit ac, interdum dictum libero. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Fusce et tristique odio.

NAME relationship

Sed aliquet turpis nulla, at venenatis lectus volutpat quis. Phasellus non purus vel dui eleifend commodo nec a erat. Sed dolor tellus, fringilla a velit ac, interdum dictum libero. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Fusce et tristique odio.

NAME relationship

Sed aliquet turpis nulla, at venenatis lectus volutpat quis. Phasellus non purus vel dui eleifend commodo nec a erat. Sed dolor tellus, fringilla a velit ac, interdum dictum libero. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Fusce et tristique odio.