


2 years, 4 months ago


the twin brother of melody and a rural boy at core. unlike melody he has visible horns

he is plus sized underneath.

Born in what is now a desolate and frozen wasteland with his sister, Chas was a herder and farmer with his father. He was said to have a "heart of gold" and an often lit up face, eager to help his dad whenever given the directions. He loved this period in life where he was close with his family and away from most outer troubles, He was also a lot more chatty with Melody. This wouldnt last for long though when a sudden wave of climate change happened in their area; deeming it too cold and dangerous to live in their current circumstances, killing off most animals they had and destroying their property. it also began to become a breeding ground for virus anomalies, forcing them to move out before it got worse. They live in the city now, and continued growing up there. Since then, him and the rest of the family began to become distant and parting ways to do their own thing. Still in good terms/contact but not as close as they used to be. This upset him because he misses what they had, the life they started taken away too soon.

Joined the task force hub to give himself something to do. He often visits his birthplace; even if its hazardous now, and doesnt hesitate to accept assignments that relate to traveling there. He pretty much knows the whole area by the back of his hand. Likes to reminiscence and goes there for comfort at this point, like a safe space. His body is used to the weather and can fend himself when he needs to. Hes made his presence pretty hidden to others.

His personatily now is much different to how he was prior; hes a lot more laid-back but not necessarily lazy, hes still the joyful person from when he was young but now to a lesser degree in expressing it. Makes playful jabs but is pleasant to be around; just an ordinary guy, really.

Found Kaeltry passed out when he was so carelessly tasked a "beginner job" here completely unprepared, offered him a hand and even helped him finish his task. During it all the two managed to hit off and are now good friends who work together. Sort of a mentor to kaeltry, but in the way kael likes learning new things from him. Their relationship can be summed up to silly guy and straightforward clueless guy.

Him and melody are a weird pair, but they dont hate eachother. He doesnt like only be known as "the younger twin of melody" as it makes him feel like hes nothing more but her shadow, but he knows it cant be helped when youre born the same. The both of them contrast a little, with one being more outgoing and known while the other prefers to stay put. Despite their small fits, They do get along and Melody cares about him and worries about his absence.