Krypton Dragons (Xrypton)



2 years, 4 months ago


Krypton dragons (wip)

Krypton Dragons (also known as Xrypton Dragons) is a rogue convoy which have taken roots in the Obsenite Sites (a giant expanse of land rich with natural minerals which Krypton dragons as well as Xanthium power their magi/imbue aether their thin affinities). The best comparison like Balancias were a group built around war and expansion. The Xrypton dragons are an actual warring nation with capabilities on par with firedragons however often excelling the most at magitek. the most notable and detterent factor of the Xryptonias are their monumental fleets of 'siege machinae' which some say span from horizon to horizon. Their massive nation borders the Meraquas as well as the Xanthiums.

Note that the Kryptonian Dragons exist on opposite ends of Nû where the astral plane and convergence to Nû is the furtherest, this means affinity-user dragons are somewhat weaker here.

 What helped for their situation was that their continent; known as Hadeon - is completely isolated from much of the populated northwestern hemisphere.

---Further info---

Xryptonias are often lockstep in battle against Team Greenlaze lead by Darklight.

magi* = magitek