Erza [Hex] (Trivia)



Random Character Building Facts I Couldn't fit In The Main Profile, This Will Be Added To Gradually

  • Very artistic, and in the little free time she has, she enjoys painting. Primarily she mains in watercolor mediums, though will often mix it with acrylic and traditional sketches. And if she likes you, she'll most likely gift you a painting

  • Lost any sort of original spark they had for ballet, and haven't danced in years despite how often I drawn them dancing. However, they still have their original pointe shoes shoved in the back of a closet somewhere
  • Constantly has a supply of snacks in reach. Their metabolism is much faster than the average person and they eat like a fucking monster.

  • A regular at Purgatory, mostly because it's a hotspot for shady shit and a good access point to the lower grid-- though over the years have gotten to know some of the workers and occasionally goes just for fun

  • Drives a motorcycle, was actually the one to teach Jasper how to operate one-- it ended up being their main bonding experience lmao

  • Really likes cartoons, kinda embarrassed about it

  • Very good at lip reading, in the past she constantly had her hearing aids taken away as a punishment— so she had to adapt

  • Was 100% one of those occult obsessed kids who went into the school bathroom to try to talk to ghosts and demons. She’s still low key into it

  • Gothic deep down in their heart

  • Would make an excellent drag king if I let them