Basic Info


Anya (she/her)


Soft-spoken goddess of autumn beloved by all.


Friendly, polite, warm-hearted, rather calm and quiet but not shy, usually has a gently smile on her face, very attentive, highly tolerant of other's behaviours




Anya is a very open and caring person. She is soft-spoken and kind to anyone she meets, and finds friends easily. She is pacifistic and avoids fights where she can, but thouroughly enjoys a friendly duel with people she trusts. She is far from frail, but often comes across as too gentle to be taken serious in a fight. She cares little about how strong people think she is, and simply keeps being her warm-hearted self. Anya is clever, but is also very fine with others thinking themselves more clever. She knows her abilities, and doesn't bother trying to teach others about her inner strength.

Anya is somewhat of a people pleaser, who wants people around her to be comfortable and happy, sometimes ignoring her own needs for a bit, but never driving that thought too far. If need be, she will stand up for herself, but generally she seems to tolerate a lot before she will. Her fuse is long, and barely anyone has ever seen her angry.



  • Anya is strongly associated with autumn
  • Anya occasionally enjoys some alone time with just her and the autumn forest, watching the leaves fall
  • Anya can make plants grow around her
  • Anya can sometimes smell ill intent due to slightly hightened animal senses


Innoruk | Beloved little god

Anya likes Innoruk the moment she first laid eyes on him, and immediately wanted to be his friend. Since Innoruk is the god of hate, it is a bit difficult to get through to him, but as long as he is just gently pushing her away, and not making any serious effort to get her to leave, she will keep keep being around.

Slowly but surely this odd relationship has established itself over time. Anya keeps giving Innoruk compliments and hugs, while he tries his best to look like it doesn't melt his heart in the least. He has an image to uphold after all. She thinks his behaviour is adorable, and has grown to be able to tell that he actually likes her hugs. She knows he is just misunderstood and cast out, and does her best to mend the scars of his past with the love she has to give.

Laola | Friend1380007?1576940882

Laola is a good friend of Anya's. They met during a harsh time in life, and Laola helped her through it, and also saved her life once! She cares a lot about Laola, and will be there if she ever needs her.