Todd Miller



6 years, 7 months ago


Age: 16 yrs
Gender: Male
Height: 6'2"
Birthday: ??
Orientation: Homosexual
Relationship Status: Taken
Occupation: Remasters anime theme songs

Todd lives with his brother and mother (who never appears, is only mentioned) in a council flat estate in London. He is slightly freaked out by germs, and is constantly disgusted by the state of the block of flats he lives in. His family is on benefits, therefore not giving them much money for luxury items. When Todd first met his internet friends, he was extremely insecure about where he lived and the little money they have, not mentioning it and even developing a slight money complex. He has grown out of it, however, and isn't bothered by it much. He is, however, embarrassed by his brothers 'chav' speak, and makes a point to speak and type properly with friends (however when he's upset or anxious, he breaks out the 'blud's and 'innit's).

His dream is to become a Jpop star in japan, and he loves playing music on his electric guitar (something he salvaged from a charity shop). Todd loves the anime K-ON! and identifies with the character Mio Akiyama a lot, he also draws (not very well).

He's best friends with Irma, and gets on well with Gigi (though is not impressed with her talk of dildo's and his sex life). His boyfriend is Walt, who he teases a lot, although plays innocent when Walt realizes he's being teased.