circle's Ownership

Please read the Characters FAQ for further information on permissions and original ownership!


Character Permissions

Can be regifted
Can be retraded
Can be resold

Design Terms of Use

Hello ❣️if you swing this then you found the rules to my characters!

rules: •no over pricing when selling(unless added art)

•do not remove the watermark(on the image you can remove the toyhouse watermark)

•do not trade/sell to anyone on my black list (be linking that soon)

•don’t hard redesign my characters!

•you may use them for anything but not: pedophillia, zoo stuff or anything that’s not legal. (Can use make characters do crimes like drugs and murder thou!)

•please notify me when you loose interest! I may be able to get them back from you!!

••••••refunds••••••• I don’t mind doing refunds on art, if a problem comes up with the commissioner or with my life this is the refunds I will do!

When sketch is done: full refund; still get to have the sketch if the refund is because I canceled it for no problematic reason.

When line work is done: 50% refund; can have the line work if the refund is because I canceled it for no problematic reason.

Most Flat color done: 20% refund; can have flat color if it’s fully done and cleaned also, if the refund was canceled for no problematic reason.

Mostly done piece: 15% you may not get the art work. When art is almost done it’s unlikely I would cancel the commission

Fully done: no refund, you may not get the art work. When art is almost done it’s unlikely I would cancel the commission

funhoutbw Global Rules


Hello ❣️if you swing this then you found the rules to my characters!

•no over pricing when selling(unless added art)

•do not remove the watermark

•do not trade/sell to anyone on my black list 

•don’t hard redesign my characters!

•you may use them for anything but not: pedophillia, zoo stuff or Racism 

•Do Not feed my art to ai!! If you do this you’ll will be blacklisted 

•I have the right to revoke the character if my tos is broken! It is allowed on th!

I don’t mind doing refunds on art, if a problem comes up with the commissioner or with my life this is the refunds I will do!

When sketch is done: full refund; still get to have the sketch if the refund is because I canceled it for no problematic reason.

When line work is done: 50% refund; can have the line work if the refund is because I canceled it for no problematic reason.

Most Flat color done: 20% refund; can have flat color if it’s fully done and cleaned also, if the refund was canceled  for no problematic reason.

Mostly done piece: 15% you may not get the art work. When art is almost done it’s unlikely I would cancel the commission 

Fully done: no refund, you may not get the art work. When art is almost done it’s unlikely I would cancel the commission 
