Zinnia (Milq au)



1 year, 9 months ago


Nickname [Pom-Pom]
Age [Late 20`s]
Height [6`2 ft]
Gender [female]
Pronouns [She/her]
Species [Floracilin]
Orientation [Bisexual]
Occupation [Pole Dancer]
Worth [25$]
Status [Trying her best]
Template Cheeriko


Known for her quiet unnerving aura yet behind that exterior is someone who`s always worried over other`s,most importantly those dear to her to a point she just forgets to attend to herself. Has a lot going on in her head so she can be describe aloof by those close to her or Reserved by those who dont know her well,as she isnt very kin on showing much expressions much less express herself verbally,choosing always to remain quiet.

However,despite everything shes going throught shes stubborn and very emphatic, always choosing to listen before acting as she always learning from her mistakes of getting to impatient at times. No matter what life throughts at her she promise long ago,she will prevail throught the pain as she,after all,can be her one and only hero.

  • Heavy smoker,her flowers tend to wither easily,Zinnia actually plugs them out hence the many buds that grow on her horns.,
  • Has 8 moles,two under her left eye,two under the right side her lips,one on her right boobs and one last one on her right thigh.
  • Despite being a Milqilin,has canine fangs.
  • Her ears are always pierced and enjoys shuffling around different accesories.
  • As someone who tendecy is to look away from eye-contacted it is noted that when she does stare,Her gaze is known to be quite "fierce".

  • Dancing
  • Walking down the city night
  • Cooking
  • Taking care of pets
  • Fashion
  • Heavy flirting
  • Her voice
  • Early mornings
  • People dissing Val band
  • Tecnology(she doesnt get it)



Mauris dapibus eleifend arcu, in ornare est laoreet non. Sed placerat erat consectetur nibh sodales ornare. Quisque at est nec ante pellentesque mollis rutrum eu tortor. Aenean fringilla, justo eget vehicula malesuada, tellus ipsum lobortis lacus, quis viverra sapien sapien vel metus. Maecenas egestas neque eu erat molestie interdum non nec purus. Aliquam nisl orci, egestas quis mi et, feugiat cursus nulla. Sed tempor interdum ante quis tempus. Maecenas non mauris vel elit fermentum porttitor. Sed id ullamcorper lectus.

Praesent pellentesque rhoncus dui, a efficitur magna tempor id. Cras euismod velit sit amet urna posuere, et dignissim urna fringilla. Phasellus elementum tristique lorem quis interdum. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Nam nisl lorem, aliquet sit amet erat nec, maximus imperdiet augue. Proin laoreet mi quis est lobortis, id bibendum quam mollis. Integer id placerat eros, in bibendum massa.

name relationship

Sed placerat erat consectetur nibh sodales ornare. Quisque at est nec ante pellentesque mollis rutrum eu tortor.

Name relationship

Sed placerat erat consectetur nibh sodales ornare. Quisque at est nec ante pellentesque mollis rutrum eu tortor.

Name relationship

Sed placerat erat consectetur nibh sodales ornare. Quisque at est nec ante pellentesque mollis rutrum eu tortor.

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