Dottie Dearest



2 years, 4 months ago




name "dottie dearest"
gender agender
pronouns she/it
orientation lesbian
age 25
birthday november 18
s.o/duo n/a
measurements 5'5" | 198 lbs
ultimate scare actor
role ???
step right up, one and all! feast your eyes on a banquet of horrors!
isn't this all a little...?
hear the air fill with screams of disgust, horror, and thrill!
i mean, isn't it a little too...?
blood, guts, love and despair! everything you could ever want, and ever fear! we've got it all!
i just think maybe it might be...
what, is it too much?
it's not ENOUGH!
extroverted introverted
instinctive calculated
polite sassy
deceptive sincere
indifferent emotional
reserved affectionate
lone wolf team player
mbti enfp
alignment chaotic neutral
leading trait passionate
biggest flaw possessive

Design notes

  • dottie is a method actor. as such, she likes to go about in full costume! even if it gets her kicked out of grocery stores.
  • her dress is two pieces - a white, puffy-sleeved blouse with a pink collar and pom-pom adornments, and a three-tiered ruffled tutu skirt with frilly overall straps. the straps cross in the back, and have clips pinned to them in the shape of a heart, a star, and a flower (which sprays water).
  • she wears mis-matched stockings that have been torn to absolute shreds, ratty yellowed bandages around the forearms, and spiky black combat boots. all of her clothes can be drawn smeared with dirt and (questionably real) blood, but also without. depends on the mood tbh - it does wash the costume, but inevitably at the end of every shift it ends up covered in all sorts of haunted house residue.
  • her skin is brown, and is visible on her arms, legs, and neck. her face is caked in heavy amounts of makeup - mostly smeared clownish greasepaint, pink and blue eyeshadow, black lipstick, and prosthetic scars in the shape of claw marks. its teeth are sharp, and its mascara is outlandishly thick and spiky. she also wears costume contacts which give her yellow sclera and mismatched orange irises. the right eye is a thin pinprick, and the left is large and wobbly with a spiral-shaped pupil.
  • its pigtails are ratty, tangled and enormous, tied with pom-pom ribbons. none of its real hair shows from underneath the wig.


the sound of a scream is music to me - a sound that says fifteen years full-time therapy!


trauma and fear, it sings in my ear! ain't it the sweetest noise around, that beautiful sound?

hometown brooklyn, ny
ethnicity korean-american
zodiac scorpio

tma entity the spiral
stp princess the razor

voice claim arleen sorkin
playlist ♪♫♪

flora daffodil
fauna spider
feeling adrenaline-rush

various trivia

  • dottie's just been given a LONG overdue rework... excited.....
  • i changed her name from 'buki' to something i felt was more fitting. also she was named when i was in high school i think, and i can't for the life of me remember why i picked it.
  • 'dottie dearest' isn't her real name, but the name of the scary clown character she's most known for playing at her job, Baker & Bennett's Carnival of Frights - a well known seasonal circus-themed haunted house attraction in upstate new york. dottie herself has become the face of the establishment, and horror fans all over will flock to Baker & Bennett's just for a chance to see her. and have the pants scared off of them by her.
  • the real name of the actor behind dottie dearest has not been made public, for the anonymity of the actress while not working. as such, almost nothing is known about her. when spoken to at the attraction, she never, ever breaks character, and as such is not known to give very forthcoming answers.
  • her birthday, november 18th, is the date the first episode of the original IT miniseries aired! coincidentally it is also my birthday. we are twinsies. :)
  • fog machines
  • slasher flicks
  • ballpits
  • red velvet cake
  • hot weather
  • cheap costuming
  • sunlight
  • flat soda
  • watching movies
  • sewing
  • sfx makeup
  • sowing terror etc
