


6 years, 6 months ago


Nikita Nari

Sass Sass and more Sass

"My dance is only for my king."


Name || Nikita
Alias || Kita
Gender || Male
Age || 26
Sign || Aries : March 30th
Pokemon || Shiny Liepard
Orientation || Homosexual
Kingdom || Medisa
Class || Dancer
Theme || Alejandro


 A shiny with a dance that is considered to be very beautiful with an animalistic twist. He used to dance for anyone who requested him and very rarely he would turn down customers. Now as a dancer for the slaver caravan king, Benipe, he dances purely for his master with as much passion as the moon cooling the hot deserts. 


Elaborate (+) 
-Kita is the type to carefully piece together a dance that is full of meaning and beauty. Everything is calculated and never randomly thrown together.

Observant (+)
-He will watch people (through his bangs) and will notice changes in body language if he’s been around those people long enough. (He can also feel body shifts with his tail.)

Kind (+)
-He is considerate of others by nature even if he’s super quiet, he is over all gentle with others.

Artful (+-)
-Mainly in his form of dance, he demonstrates creative skill and taste that is pleasing to the eye.

Quiet (+-)
-Kita will listen more than speak and at the same time observes the other.

Submissive (-)
-When it comes to someone who is much larger, more powerful, or higher rank he becomes relatively obedient. The only person he will fully submit to is his master. Someone he knows he cannot displease.  

Dirty (-)
-As innocent as he appears, he has desires that are more than just wanting to be around someone.

Shy (-) 
-In large group situations, or with new people, Kita becomes more reserved and even more quiet. He shows nervousness and will occupy himself with the hem of his skirt or his fingernails, or even by humming.







Nikita appears to be a shiny liepard with a very slender and small frame. His often most notable feature are his slightly wider hips that give him a feminine form and his tanned skin. His hair a dark pinkish-purple that ends in light blonde tips, there are characteristic liepard spots in his hair as well. He styles it in a fashion that leaves the back short and the front long, though it is not angled. He has pink markings that start on the septum of his nose that run to his eyes and further to his ears. Kita tends to keep his nails long and rounded, adding to his feline looks.

As a dancer, Nikita can be seen wearing various clothing but tends to stick with one piece slips that end just below his pecs. He often pairs matching gloves and thigh highs. Under the one piece slip he wears a garter belt that also matches the outfit, it can be barely seen under the slip. Lastly he had sheer fabrics of a darker colour that get tucked into the gold jewelry he wears. Some times he wears a shear crossing fabric over his chest.  

It is known that Nikita used to wear purple and red but has since gone to wearing light blue with dark purple and blue accents. It is unknown why he no longer wears the reds and purples. 

Story Summary

From a young age Nikita was subjected to nothing but intense dance work. Both his parents had been dancers all their lives and whatever their child may be, also was forced into the cycle. It did not help that he had been a shiny, causing his hair colour to be a bit more exotic than the local liepards. His parents mainly earned money through dance commissions and would nearly hand the most over to the 'slave king' as contribution. They only save some money to buy clothing to sell Kita's dances. This practically forced him into work as a dancer at a purely young age. 

As he got older, the requests piled up, his beauty intensified, and his dancing became blessings. It wasn't surprising that even a few neighboring villages came for one of his dances. He handed over any money he obtained to his parents less he wanted to be left without food or shelter. Even the small stashes he kept hidden managed to get raided by his parents who were being sucked dry by the new heir, Benipe. There was a point when they couldn't even continue contributing to him and fell into a devastating debt. 

At eighteen his parents dressed him up in the most beautiful of dancer outfits, with vibrant purples and reds. Gold adorned his arms and legs with near see-through sheer. He was baffled by where the clothing even came from, his family could barely afford food anymore. He learned quickly enough why he was put in clothing befitting a dance bride. Benipe. The very many leaving him and his parents grasping for food scraps. Kita's parents offered him to Benipe as a way to clear their debt. He was put on a prize pedestal as a rare, desert flower. Exotic with unblemished skin and perfect hair.

Nikita was taken - no honest surprise there - to dance for his new master. And he did as he has always done, create elaborate and breath-taking dances. During the days where he didn't feel at ease, he'd keep to himself. While having a panic attack, he met two people who became very special to him, becoming his pillars holding him steady in the murky desert nights. Mesta and Menes cherished him, and he cherished them with as much love and honesty as they gave him.

The disappearance of Mesta devastated him, nearly tearing his heart in two. He looked to her as family and for guidance in the cruel, cruel world. When he lost her, he managed to stumble in a short rebellious stage, going as far as cutting his long hair that Benipe seemed to just love. He made his master angry and did not go without punishment. He did quickly clean up his hair and became even more quiet. 

Kita spends much of his time now dancing for Benipe. He very rarely strays too far and always returns with quick obedience. 



[ Master ]


[ relationship ]


[ relationship ]

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