Chi'bi 赤壁魔王



2 years, 4 months ago


Name: Chi'bi aka Demon King of Red Cliffs, formerly named Zhuoqing [赤壁魔王, 本名濯清]
Race: Lotus Demon-turned Demon King [莲花精⇨魔王]
Gender: Male
Orientation: Bisexual
Height: 183 cm, or 6'0

Magic Weapon:
Ju'hun Chain Whip [聚魂钢鞭
], a whip forged from the chains that interlocked the warlord Cao Cao [曹操]'s ships together from stern to stern, ultimately resulting in his great defeat during the Battle of Red Cliffs [赤壁之战], the souls of the many lost in battle trapped within its very metal, greatly enhancing its dark magic abilities.

The demon king was not always the heartless monster he is now. In fact, he was far from cruel, merely a peaceful white lotus named Zhuoqing [濯清] that gained sentience and began cultivating quietly upon the banks of the Yangtze River [长江]. That was, until the Battle of Red Cliffs ensued during the Three Kingdoms period, the strategy of attacking with fire thought up by Sun Wu [孙吴]'s divisional commander Huang Gai [黄盖] forcing Cao Cao to retreat back north, not without losing a large majority of his troops. The river ran red with the blood of these fallen soldiers, flowing down south to where Zhuoqing had been meditating all this while. The vengeful energy was enough to greatly enhance his cultivation level, albeit in the corrupt and unrighteous way.

Having tasted true power for the very first time, how could he return to his mundane, stagnant way of meditation to attain divinity? With his newly granted strength, Zhuoqing held the corpses of these spirits hostage; only by drowning another living person will he return it to the respective soul, allowing them to reincarnate and be freed from the Yangtze's unforgiving waters... or so they think. In actuality, the demon king simply consumes the gullible ghost, creating an endless supply of souls extending past years and dynasties.

Theme: 京剧起霸打击乐