


2 years, 4 months ago


Name:  Ester

Sigils:  Nega | Infinis

Main Colours:  Greys and Reds

Hair Colour:  Dusty, Faded Blonde

Eye Colour:  #cecd7d

Personality:  Forceful, thinks before acting. She has an attitude and is a bit too promiscuous for her age. Will 100% run from a fight if she thinks she’s in over her head or losing.

Age:  16/17??

Gender/Pronouns:  Cis Woman | She/Her

Brief Information:  Part of the same group of thieves/headhunters that Adam is, actually was his partner for a while. Comes from a long line of headhunters, and is expected to fulfill her role in the organization and rise through the ranks quickly. Hates it, and actively wants out, but can’t see any way to accomplish that. 100% willing to kill. Nega is her sigil, it's what she feels connected to. The Infinis sigil is a sign of how the headhunters have a hold on her and how her family's legacy is hanging over her.

Important Details:  Does in fact have stones, but prefers her knife, which holsters into the back of her across-the-chest pouch strap. She has extra knives in her tall boots. VERY flirty, very pan. She carries no guardian.