


2 years, 3 months ago


DOB December 15th

Species Shiba Inu

Show them you're more than a cursed kid.


Alive / Taken

Pita is a canine that was long ago exiled from his home due to a mistake on his part, quickly gone wrong. He's a silent and careful individual who doesn't let much get under his skin. Sometimes he's quick on the trigger, though, and does things without thinking things through, especially in the heat of the moment. He cares deeply about his kin and friends, and always tries to find a reasonable means to ends.

ACT 1 - One Of Us

Pita was born into a clan that had a score to settle with a tribe in the city. He stayed in the mountains, unable to see the world outside. Even so, curiousity ate at Pita, and he snuck out whenever he could. His mother, Monarch, never knew. There, he met his brother, Tiki. The two had been separated because of a family fued, and his half-father, Gambit, took Tiki and his other siblings across into the city. There, he learned that everyone but Tiki died on the way there because of the opposing tribe's members. Enraged, Pita asked how he could help. Tiki told him he'd get Gambit to settle the terms with Pita.

Eventually, they came to an agreement. Pita would keep tabs on his leader, Kingpin, and report to Gambit when he got the chance. He reminded Pita to be careful, reminding him of his tribe's harsh punishment methods. Though worried, Pita wanted to put an end to this injustice. So, he agreed.

ACT 2 - Deception and Disgrace

Moons passed, and things were going good. Pita built a relationship with Tiki and Gambit, and for once, he truly felt as if he was part of a family. Heck, he even considered joining Gambit's tribe for a time. That idea, though, was quickly swept away when Kingpin finally caught wind of Pita's activities.

Needless to say, he didn't take it well. Kingpin called for Pita's untimely exile, along with an aincent ceremony that hadn't been performed in years.

Pita was chained to a post by his neck and midsection. He could barely breathe. A masked member of his tribe walked up and carved an 'x' into his face, going from his forehead to his cheeks.  The pai burned, and he couldn't do anything about it. As soon as it finished, he was chased out of his territory. Instantly, he headed for Tiki's tribe. Maybe they'd have a place for him to stay until things blew over. 

When Pita got there, there was nothing left but a ruin of the city that once was.

ACT 3 - As clear as the scar on his face

Pita located Tiki through the rubble. His brother was permanently blinded, but alive. Tiki informed Pita that his tribe had been slaughtered by Pita's own, leaving no survivors. He barely managed to survive the genocide and states that they'll likely be back to finish the job. With no time to spare, they got out of dodge as soon as possible.

The two set up shopmiles away, in a city that had no idea they existed. Tiki began learning how to navigate without sight while Pita took a job as a mechanic. He has no idea what he's doing, and most technology is foreign to him, but he's slowly learning the ropes. He tries to steer clear of anyone from his previous tribe, as they'll instantly be able to tell who he is because of his face.

Thankfully, he has been able to meet one person- Corey, a rabbit he met while stuck in an abandoned office building. Pita's curiousity got the better of him, and the two got stuck together and escaped together. From there, their friendship only grew until Pita told the former he liked him. As in, more than a friend. 

Long story short, the rabbit and dog are dating now.

Life is better now, but sometimes Pita's anxiety gets the better of him. He fears one day Kingpin will find him and end his life once and for all.

Design Notes

  • 'X' shaped scar over eyes and muzzle
  • Bandages over waist/midsection.
  • A few scattered scars here and there
  • Staff attatched to holster around torso
  • Slanted eyes??? They have a really particular shape I can't really explain



Forests, scented candles, being active, trying new things, bongos. 


Injury, being excluded, extra work, insects, sand, sudden loud sounds.


 Corey  Boyfriend
Pita and Corey can be seen as just best friends on the surface, but are dating. Pita cares deeply about Corey and does whatever he can to help him.

 Kingpin  Enemy
Kingpin is the bane of Pita's existence. He both fears and hates him for what he's done, but isn't sure if he'll run away or fight him once the King shows his face again.

 Tiki  Brother
After the incident, these half-brothers have learned to lean on each other. Even though they get into fights sometimes, with Pita's curious nature and Tiki's slightly short temper, they're still close as glue, and all the other has left family-wise.