OPEN ART TRADES!!!!'s Comments

id love to do one if yr interested 😎🫀

Omg I'd love to, if you're still open for that :O Here are my examples!

Sure dude!!! Which character(s) did you have in mind for me to draw? :O  (you can honestly just pick any of mine you want. Tee hee) 

Woo, I can give u my soul if u draw him ToT But if he is too boring or smth you can draw anyone from here xD :DD

no yeah he's just fine!!! I might take a bit to get the finished piece out but expect something in about 2-3 weeks :3

Tysm! <3 I'll try to finish my piece soon too :3 <3

Hi! I'd love to do an AT if you're interested

Here's my example folder: You can also look at my art tab !

yeah sure!!! Your art is super cool :'DDD (sorry for such a late response djldkvn)

Awesome :D ! And it's no worries ^^ ! How many characters will we draw (1-4 max) and what type of drawing would we be doing? (fullbody, halfbody, scene, etc)

Hmmm hmm I think maybe two characters & halfbody would be cool!? I’d like my characters Ash and Desmond to be drawn together since they r in the same story! (I’ll have to update Desmond’s description so you have more context but :333) they've got that enemies to friends to lovers trope that I would love to see expressed between them in whatever way you decide to do it. Hbu?? 

SUPER SORDY FOR THE LATE REPLY! But that sounds good to me! I'll think about the characters I want you to draw, maybe give me like a day or two to contemplate if that's fine with you?

ye ye no worries!! :D

2 Replies

HII are your art trades still open!! I'd love to do one with you :))) your art is so good!

hi!!! Super sorry for not getting back to ya quicker! But yeah I’d totally be up for one of you still are interested!!! 

YEAHH SURE !!! LMK WHO YOU WOULD LIKE ! I have afew characters you can choose from its your choice!! :) also you can draw as much of the character as you want :)

hi super sorry for late response! I'd love to draw Roz for ya, and you can pick which ever character of mine you like tbh! but desmond and wren r probably my favs rn ! 

just wanred 2 let youk now i have your side ofthe trade in progress! i had to stop working on it for a bit bc i am graduating and then it saved wrong so i gotta line it again LOL but it will be sent to ya sometime this week! 

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Would you do a shaded icon of Ingo for a shaded icon of Desmond?

(Icon would be shoulders-up, with optional colored background)

Hi there! I'd love to do an art trade and draw Desmond if you're still open!

Yeah yeah!!! Who would you want me to do??? :D

IC, please! Would a halfbody be okay? 

could you link them ?  and yes, that's fine! 

Yeah sure! Here he is! Do you have an estimate of how long it’ll take for your half to be finished? 

i might be able to finish it tonight or tomorrow!! I've got some spare time :))

1 Replies

hello !!!!!!!! if these are open i could draw howl ?? :o

if you want better examples my discord is pescapurin#0420 and i could send more recent examples since my toyhouse atm is ermm... Mid Renovation

yeah!! I'll go ahead and add ya :D

me maybe? ^^ 

if ur interested we can talk on insta or discord:"D

Yeah of course! My discord is grimms#4734  !!

hihi! id love to work on my human style, i could totally do a half bod of desmond! 

yeah dude, go for it! Just send over a character of yours that you'd like me to draw! :D


he can be drawn anthro!

perfect ! and would it be okay for me to post the finished piece? (with character credits to you of course, LOL) 


update! i should be finishing up my part within today or tomorrow!<3 


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