


2 years, 4 months ago


24 months
Lawful Neutral
Sanctum born
Soulsworn Knight

Blueblood [Conal] โ™  Blue โ™  Beau [Toby]

๐“‘luebell; a figure whose felt so wronged by circumstance, that itโ€™s bittered all sensibility and trained a revengence of self-vindication. Defined by detrimental ambitions, itโ€™s what heโ€™s sought so carelessly thatโ€™s led him to this point. Striving for influence since his early days, heโ€™s found paradise in the moon, but at severe cost. With a luminance too blinding, Bluebell kneeled to worship and became it's Knight, and with it came all the glory of repulsion. He has everything he could possibly want, and the world should be envious for it. . .

I. ๐‘ฐ๐’Ž๐’‘๐’“๐’†๐’”๐’”๐’Š๐’๐’

Extroverted Introverted
Instinctive Calculated
Deceptive Sincere
Assertive Turbulent
Indifferent Emotional
Reserved Affectionate
Cooperative Lone wolf












๐“‘luebell adheres himself to a certain principle of โ€˜creativeโ€™ law, one fluent in opportunism. He regularly refuses to cooperate with most regimens, turning especially insubordinate among company of a โ€˜lesserโ€™ tolerance.

The code that Bluebell honors is primarily of Conalโ€™s making and revolves entirely around self-sufficiency and biased tendencies; the primary necessity is a โ€˜comfortableโ€™ survival, valuing oneself above all else and taking ambitious routes to thrive. By trade, this makes Bluebell dubious as an ally, for rather than heart, he follows desires of mindful self-interest and is not always so scathed by the emotional fallout of his decisions. Heโ€™s of the belief that come enough knowledge, then youโ€™ll no longer be opposed in what you do. It is power that heโ€™ll define as freedom, and it is something that he has always sought after in variety.

Beyond the influence of his brother, Bluebellโ€™s a few ideals of his own. Heโ€™s on a conquest of exploration, purpose, and creative beauty, perfecting it in his own written word and finding it among the ventureโ€™s of his studies. Heโ€™s a hard critic to please, but it is through a fanciful kind of lens that he views this dying world. Bound in some kind of agenda, does Bluebell find himself most useful and fufilled. It is the pursuit of skillfull mastery that has him so captivated to learn.


  • Extraordinary heights
  • Strategic plays
  • Romanticizing
  • Escapades
  • Trickery
  • Climbing
  • Rabbits, water fowl and songbirds (!!)


  • Heroism
  • Analytical judgement
  • Hunting
  • Social embarrassment
  • Blood and gore
  • Untidiness
  • Frogs, lizards and rodents (ew)


  • Lack of identity
  • Isolation
  • Vulnerability
  • Clowns and Mimes
  • Rejection


  • Poetry and song
  • Storytelling and literature
  • Instrumental music (?)
  • Knowledge and discovery
  • Herbal teas (?)
  • Swordsmanship (?)

โ™ž Aurai


โ™ž Machiavelli

Close friend

โ™ž Toby

Close friend

โ™ž Tatsu


โ™Ÿ Tachter


โ™Ÿ Elysabeth



โ™ซ "สแด‡แด€สœ แดแด€สส™แด‡ ษช'แด แด›สœแด‡ สœสแด˜แดแด„ส€ษชแด›แด‡" โ™ซ

IV. ๐‘จ๐’‘๐’‘๐’†๐’‚๐’“๐’‚๐’๐’„๐’†

11 in
9 lbs
๐“•ur type


๐“˜nherited from both mother and fault, Bluebell exhibits a lithe, though fragile disposition; furthermore, born a runty child, rigorous maintenance hides what would have been a gaunter misfortune. Itโ€™s through obsessive routine that he hides the rest. Sleek feathers and thick fur exaggerate his presence, hiding a moderate fitness as the tom proudly flaunts about long claws; It's his physical demeanor that provokes attention, rivaled or otherwise. The plumage upon his tail and upon the bridge of his nose is especially prominent, with the eye most drawn to his luminous chest ruff and feathered eyes. Key features include his flat ears and dark mask.


๐“‘luebell is unusual in the way that his day to day is filled with secrecy and sneaking about, yetโ€“he dresses himself like a spectacle of awe. Bluebell enjoys anything that glitters and shines and has the habit of knabbing these prizes whenever accessible:

Currently, he flaunts a turquoise earring on his right ear, a cape embellished with a red crescent moon tied around the neck, and on the left paw: a glove enwrapped by an amulet; He also dons a flower bracelet, and another of a red stone. A necklace of engraved wood sits nested in his fur.

Scars and marks

โ†His left paw is marked by an overturned crescent moon.

โ†A scar draws from his lower chest to mid stomach.

V. ๐‘ซ๐’†๐’‚๐’•๐’‰ ๐‘ช๐’๐’–๐’๐’•

"โฒŠโฒโฒŸโฒฑ โฒงโฒโฒ‰โฒ™ โฒฉโฒŸโณ™โฒ… โฒ›โฒ‰โฒฅโฒ•"

. . .You searched and searched...but couldn't find him. You couldn't find your brother, and your own blood couldn't keep you warm. Scolding far hotter, were the words Conal had taken to air; advice for a most merciful end. Overwhelmed, you were going to die. Perhaps those animals would tear you to pieces, maybe they would eat you while your heart still gave beat. Yes, you were going to be killed. This was inevitable. The only choice that remained was how quickly. Remain as you were, a crumbling, shivering, sniffling child (and die with agony). Or, tilt your nose to the stars, let them be satisfied with your neck and not your screams (go quietly. Fall asleep) The choice was obvious, Conal had been right. And your last thought when you did itโ€ฆyou were terrified that this darkness would remain forever.

VI. ๐‘จ๐’†๐’”๐’•๐’‰๐’†๐’•๐’Š๐’„

VII. ๐‘ฐ๐’๐’‡๐’๐’–๐’†๐’๐’„๐’†



Nobility's burden,

The only son of the King and Queen.

Chapter I: Forfeit

Orderly โ™ฆ Strategic โ™ฆ Ambitious โ™ฆ Showman โ™ฆ Quick-witted

โ†ผโ™ โ‡€

๐“ขuccess has always been a principle enforced within Bluebellโ€™s mind, therefore he tends to live his life through its fixed philosophy. He finds no shame in outwitting whomever he may come across in order to pursue his own agenda; To him, there's no pity to be found in those dull enough to be fooled. Aboard a path of selfish conquest, one has to know the business of their environment to plan accordingly.

Heโ€™ll mind what, and who's around him, believing whole heartedly in the advantage of perception; This adamant paranoia to pry becomes a double-edged sword. Bluebell will regularly overthink the contents of his findings, prematurely settling on detrimental views while heavily guarding his own self image. Heโ€™s of the caution that heโ€™s not the only one so keen. Itโ€™s through calculated reservation that he withholds speak of himself, while keeping wise to the potential shortcomings of his peers. Details of use will always be recalled, Bluebell will shamelessly gain leverage wherever he can to accomplish his goals.

In pursuits of power, his guard is less aggressive; a background of slim opportunities has only inflated ambitions and nurtured a greed. For what little he's gained, heโ€™ll rarely ever relent his earnings. Bluebell compares self value to achievement more than any other grading scale, making viewpoints on failure harshly centered. Often goal-oriented to the detriment of all other focus, Bluebell fosters a callous practice among his operations; A rooted fault encouraged namely by his own cynical perspective.

While a patient ear to discovery and art, Itโ€™s one of many comforts often compromised by the strain of distraction; For Bluebell, when it comes to uninvited company, he becomes a host of uninvited tricks.



The late rose blooms crooked,

Nothing like it's garden.

Chapter II: Pins and Skewers

Cynical โ™ฆ Aloof โ™ฆ Immature โ™ฆ Curious โ™ฆ Facetious

โ†ผโ™ โ‡€

๐“ขuave on most occasions, Bluebell curiously maintains a bittersweet sympathy when among the public eye. While sharp words serve efficiently to sedate the judgemental and goad out the weak, heโ€™ll present himself as a "kind-enough" face to transverse through most crowds. Decent upon first glance, a double take reveals him no type to silence snide remarks, as his tolerance for patience is severely lacking. A compromise of temperaments presents itself through twisted words, the insults heโ€™ll hide behind compliments. The game plays out whimsically some days, then combative come the next. A competing act. A different face per occasion, only neither performance seems to score the most attraction. Whether a ruse or an act of genuine crisis, Bluebell submits little himself to break the tie.

Far more constant is his dark notions about reality, which presents itself flippantly through sardonic remarks and opinionated skepticism; this misplaced 'humor' sounds itself even at the most inapt of times. What defines a good joke in his eyes treads upon the thin line of what some consider to be foul in taste. Adversities befalling his enemies? Hilarious. The harshness of this trait makes him less penatriable towards the taunts and hardships of his peers, but at the penalty of seeming heartless. Still, selfless strife mutes itself often towards a personality of hidden egotism.

Inwardly, the personality is quite loud. Enforcing a certain order to things, Bluebell can be unapologetically demanding, and fussily controlling towards minuscule details. Expecting much more from those around him and more importantly himself, Bluebell tends to have a cruel attitude when expressing his disappointment. With this frosty disposition, a major fault with his ideals would be his inability to sympathize with those weeping over topics of no concern to him. While emotional himself, he generally doesn't share the sentiment of empathy very well, this disregard being amplified among strangers.

Earnestly, Bluebell doesnโ€™t have the nerve to engage in most idle conversations unless it correlates to self benefit; The cat is generally not polite at all to the common face, and, unless fooling around with yet another false game, Bluebell rarely intends to hide it, even If itโ€™s uttered beneath a singsong voice.



He still bled a golden color,

The pawn would claim his throne by force.

Chapter III: Fool's mate

Selfish โ™ฆ Amoral โ™ฆ Domineering โ™ฆ Vindictive โ™ฆ Manipulative

โ†ผโ™ โ‡€

๐“‘eneath layers of insincerity and opposing characteristics, authenticity lies. Above all else, Bluebell holds his own set of principles and code, most of which shamelessly fog the structure of morality into something grey and less defined. He hardly cares to follow any standards imposed on him by others, and at worst...goes out of his way to defy those who dare try. Bluebell will regularly tend to his own mundane needs before addressing the strife of the helpless; he holds little trouble turning a blind eye to the needy should aid be priceless or at the risk of comfort. Common virtues silence themselves in his ears, its practice never quite drilled into his values as a chirp. The fault easily enables the tom to go about his everyday life with little consequence of guilt.

Bluebellโ€™s callow impression of law muddies his opinions towards ideals unlike his own; It leaves him to view the world through a fixed lens, his very sensible way or something foolish in comparison. In some instances, it may not be that he is entirely ignorant of a differing view, but that he has never considered it to be a possibility, instantly ruling it as no more than insignificant in his mind. Unfortunately, Bluebell is rarely out there to understand his opposition either. At heart, distrust has left him detached from any sense of community; This preference in exclusion has led to trouble in forging meaningful relationships. Acting as a loner or an unwilling participant to any group outing, Bluebell finds his presence difficult to integrate. Heโ€™ll regularly maintain a more isolated role of fleeting companionships and low stakes.

With such a small window to form any fulfilling bond, when he does strike some likeness in his peers, Bluebellโ€™s curiosity flourishes. If not killed by his own claws, then it's best that the fellowship not ever break; For all that he is at his core, Bluebell is not someone of a forgiving nature. It would be his grudges that burn more passionately than his affections.

In terms of fonder developments, Bluebell's attachments are often treated euphorically; It wouldn't be unusual to find him tailing at the heels of his adored. With few concerns in history, one could label his mannerisms towards those close as considerably childish and overwhelming. He often struggles to gauge himself appropriately in behavior among these few; the turnout...detrimental, very clumsy, or petering away into estrangements of misconnection!

He's played the face of a thousand acts, and not once was 'social genius' among them. With a small inventory of examples, Bluebell is still teetering through most bonds, sorting through the complicated and often frustrating compromises of how they workโ€ฆand whether or not heโ€™s patient enough to bother.

VIII. ๐‘ช๐’๐’Ž๐’ƒ๐’‚๐’•


Foul play
These hands

Offensive Defensive
Merciful Merciless
Unfazed Squeamish

Fighting style

๐“‘luebell is most experienced, and therefore most comfortable fighting alone; accounting only for himself. Additional subjects are mostly seen as complications, and you often wonโ€™t see Bluebell actively coordinating his plays with others. He has never been so challenged in his โ€˜leadershipโ€™ than he is in the present dayโ€“when other forces pressure his ideals to evolve. Bluebell holds minimal trust in those around him, and that lack of reliance extends itself far more aggressively on the battlefieldโ€“where his life is on the line, and too accessible to clumsily teammates.

His skepticism interferes with whatever chance of unity that was hoped for, leading to a very shallow pool of allies. A tactic of lonesome brawling is a niche that doesnโ€™t often work by itself however. Coming from a background of poor health, the odds arenโ€™t great for Bluebellโ€™s favored style of strategy without the adaptations of mischief.

Bluebell has no shame in running out on a losing battle, heโ€™s either after victory or nothing at all. With a heavy reliance on immoral tricks for survival, if he is unable to slip in and out of confrontations as he wills it, then the enemy might gain a truth to his most burdensome flaw, a terribly weak birth; Bluebell is a runt of foul play.

โ„‚โ„๐”ผ๐•Šโ„‚๐”ผโ„•๐•‹ ๐•†๐”ธ๐•‹โ„

Bluebell has been blessed by his patron Nevermore, and may perform small elemental stunts. These stunts relate to his path and oath; ice, cold and shadow magic.

๐•‹๐•Ž๐•€โ„• ๐”ฝ๐”ธ๐•‹๐”ผ๐•Š

You and a comrade step in sync during the midst of battle (or outside), almost as if by design. If you are within 5ft of an ally who holds this same feat, you receive a +1 to AC, so long as you remain attached. Additionally gain a second bonus action to be used.

๐•Š๐•‹๐”ธ๐”พ๐”ผ โ„™๐•ƒ๐”ธ๐•

Bluebell gains advantage on all DECEPTION and PERFORMANCE checks. Additionally, he's a talent for mimicing speech and sounds.



IX. ๐‘ป๐’“๐’Š๐’—๐’Š๐’‚

Bluebell has a poor habit of staying in his head and overthinking matters. He's most social when he's looking to distract himself from being overwhelmed.

In spite of his demeanor, Bluebell is prone to many emotional outbursts and sensitivities; it's concealment he's mastered, not restraint. Temperaments can be explosive during his worser days and petty during the contrary.

Having practiced with the birds themselves, Bluebell harbors a fairly good singful voice. In solitude, or amoung the ravens, he loves to express It often.

Bluebell is very particular about his possessions, meaning heโ€™s very reluctant to lend or share. This quirk extends to organization as well, Bluebell is prone to growing excessively stressed or Offended when his structures or touch ups are disturbed, especially without notice.

Bluebell has a greater fondness for ravens than he does his own kind. It's devolved from his fascinations as a child and follows him to this day; still, does he carry some obsessive habits of imitation for these birds, and finds himself most comfortable in their company.

X. ๐‘น๐’†๐’๐’‚๐’•๐’†๐’…

๐“’onal is FATHERless.

๐“ฆhile rightfully of Conalโ€™s bloodline, the mother raven treated him no differently than her own clutch. It was Auburn who heโ€™d learn to whine to, and it was Auburn who always welcomed him in with open arms. A private tutor of sorts, she was responsible for his many teachings. Lessons of song, teachings of history and a large preacher of beliefs. Auburn encouraged the brothers as a โ€˜destinedโ€™ pair, and expected much from them.

She is the only elder he properly respects.

๐“ฃhe authority of the household, it was known without being said. Missy just desired the perfect status, what she wanted was simple; the perfect partner, the perfect batch of kits and a hoard of jealous onlookers who longed for what they could not. Itโ€™s only from a stranger's perspective that she was ever given these dreams. She was never equipped with enough smarts to realize that beneath the surface, her delusions were impossible.

It was expected that they perform in public, it made her happy. Tide was not so estranged, the son wasnโ€™t just some runt, and the daughters thanked their Mother for their success. They could all confide in Missy for anything. She was a perfect mother and partner, and all the Sanctumโ€™s envy. All until the crowd thinned.

๐“—is fatherโ€™s demeanor spoke more words than his voice. To Bluebell, he was quiet, strange, and incapable of casting affectionโ€“even towards his supposed spouse, and they wereโ€ฆin love. Bluebell never understood it. But when Tide stood beside their Mother, he was different. He supported her with minimal effort...but when he spoke, you would feel so small and insignificant, like nothing you could say held any value. They won together.

But in the moments the father and son held alone, he wouldn't speak past short instances of dismissal and a lack of interest. That was the time they shared together, and he never minded where his son went, because he was gone just as frequently. They were the same in that way.

Bluebell wandered after his fatherโ€™s approval the most. At a time, he had wanted to be just like himโ€“for maybe a mirrored image would gain his sympathy.

๐“ขhe would do anything they said. Agree with anything they said, even when they werenโ€™t looking. It was disgusting.

๐“ndra was the best, wasnโ€™t she? Itโ€™s how she walked, spoke and lived, and if you werenโ€™t perfect either (you werenโ€™t), she leapt at your every fault.

Code by ChiiAka