


2 years, 3 months ago




Name: Liette

Gender: Doesn’t quite understand the concept of gender but prefers She/Her, They/Them

Age: 15-16/ 24-25 (Finale), 35-36 (Next Gen)

Birthdate: November 13th 

Height: 5’2’’

Weight: 98 lbs

Eyes: Silvery White

Hair: Snow White

Occupation: Healer


At the start, Liette knows next to nothing of the outside world and modern technology as she had spent all her live in an underwater cavern beneath the city so she is very curious about everything. She is kind hearted and tries to do whatever she can possibly do to help others, but she is also somewhat of an air head. She has a big interest in learning about technology and is constantly entranced by television. 

It takes a lot to anger or scare Liette, however she does fear the Y'Lyntians as well as anything to do with the underground city and the crystal moon.  

Liette very much enjoys the company of others, even if she doesn’t quite understand anything.


- Mergirl/Mermaid, has gills to breathe underwater, be it fresh or ocean water, and must be kept hydrated

-She is reliant on her sense of sound, smell but also possesses the ability to communicate telepathically when another is nearby.

- Also possesses a healing aura, her fingertips glow white and she gently grazes over an injury or the origin of a poisoned body, will grow stronger over time as she develops. However, long healing sessions will leave her exhausted and the strength of her healing abilities gradually weaken the longer a session goes.

- Highly invested in science and advanced technology, she LOVES the TV.


Liette is a descendant of the Merpeople, who were originally human but mutated into what they are because of a magic crystal sun/moon. However she knows next to nothing about them except for what is shown via a holographic projection from other magic crystals. 

Liette lives in an underwater cavern near the Y’Lyntian Outpost/ the main lair behind a hidden passage way that leads out of one of the rooms. Only knows that she woke up all alone and abandoned. However, Liette will learn that she had always been alone and that those she thought she knew were actually coming from her telepathic abilities which were still developing at the time.

While she did have the fish to communicate with, Liette was very lonely until meeting Kimiko. Liette had come across a blocked off passage and attacked a security camera, thinking it was a ‘Ghost’ from the Underground City. She went into hiding as Kimiko had come to investigate. As the turtle was taking in the cavern, Liette spoke up as she had made a comment. Kimiko jumped and fell into the water as it was pretty dark and hard to see. 

After helping the turtle and becoming acquainted with her, Liette informs her of the story behind the cavern and the Underground City. Kimiko questions the ‘Ghost’ Liette mentioned, only for the mergirl to kindly brush it off as just nothing.

Liette doesn’t meet back with her until much later as she tackled the turtle in a hug as she was in a fit of worry after not hearing from her again. Kimiko seemed very off as she kept things brief, having just returned home after the TCRI trip. There, Liette meets with the other turtles, Star, and Splinter, Casey and April as well. 

Liette later helps Donatello in building a waterway that leads out to the river from the lair. He teaches(and probably flexes his genius) her about technology and its uses. Donnie, as well as the others, introduce Liette to modern things such as movies, games, music, and most important of all, ice cream, which is now her favorite thing. 

Later, Liette helps Kimiko after she had collapsed in the lair after having been attacked and poisoned by Talon. Because her abilities were still developing, Liette was only really able to stop the venom before exhausting herself. 

After the turtles return from the future and learning of what happened to Splinter, Liette becomes determined to help Donatello in searching for him. Up to this point, the two had become really close. She practically begs Kimiko to help teach her as she doesn’t want to distract the purple turtle. Liette later goes on her own search through the Cyber Net in order to retrieve fragments of Splinter, which nearly ends badly had Don not have been quick enough to get her out. Liette was successful as she had found a bunch, which left Donatello in a mix of worry, relief, and happiness. This lead to the two growing even closer, they’re relationship becoming romantic soon after~

Theme Songs:

Before the Moment- Eri Kitamura

Evidence- DaisyxDaisy

Some useful/useless info:

-Liette is a nocturnal being, she also has Tapetum Lucidum in her eyes, which makes them reflective and allow her to see in the dark or at night. 

- Her hands, feet, and the areas between her upper torso and arms become webbed when underwater. A mucus/membrane kinda thingy creates the webbings whenever she's in the water. The webbings disappear when she's on the surface/ land allowing her to move her fingers and toes with a bit more freedom

-Voice Actor- Hynden Walch (Voice of Starfire from Teen Titans)