



one day she was wandering around with greyscale fur yes she was unique in a place were all the pillowtails shone like rainbows, she she was also sad she never laughed, she never cheered one day Wisteria Borealis herself came down "why are you so sad?" she asked, slate looked up in awe she took in Wisteria's gorgeous array of colors, her jaw dropped yet she still didn't smile, she wasn't filled with joy the the great goddess had visited her, she just sighed "all the other pillowtails are so beautiful, i'm just the bland one" she said quietly looking back down at her paws Wisteria just smiled sadly "i can make you like all of the other pillowtails if that's what you truly want" and as she said that slate looked up and for the first time ever she smiled, she jumped, she laughed she cheered, she was happy she felt like she could run forever, she loved everything she used to hate, the green of the grass the blue of the sky, wisteria lowered her horn towards slate, she was transported back to the other pillowtails her fur came in cream and white, just like the rest, for the first few weeks she was happy and content, but soon she got lonely, she was just another one out of all the pillowtails after a while of being ignored, she got downcast and sad again, she stopped smiling, she stopped laughing no one even knew her name, soon Wisteria Borealis noticed and came over again "why are you so say?" she asked for the second time slate looked up in shock "i'm just like all the others" she said wisteria smiled slightly a knowing look in her eye "isn't that what you wanted?" she asked slate nodded the sighed "no one see's me it's like i'm invisible, before i got noticed, i never appreciated it, it was often felling sorry for me, but still, anything is better than this now i'm a nobody" wisteria though about the problem the lowered her horn stale found herself back with the others a dazzled of rainbow splashed across her fur, the others adored her, some were jealous, but she knew not to take advantige of it to much, she never bragged, she was once again happy, she became friends with all the pillowtails, that were ordinary and had never known friendship, every pillowtail was happy the she made friends with the jealous ones, and the loved her too, no one around her was sad, when a pillowtail did get sad or hurt, she was always the first to comfort them. she changed her name to sweet, after the joy and happiness of candy and all things sweet.

species is pillowtails found here http://www.chickensmoothie.com/Forum/viewtopic.php?t=3479701