Mitsuki Tsuyami



6 years, 7 months ago


Age: 14

Full name: Mitsuki Tsuyami

Race: Japanese

Height: 144.5 cm

Weight: 82 lbs

Personality: Acts childish and clumsy, occasionally lashes out at others. Keeps to herself and is afraid of masculine figures. 

History: Tsuyami used to be a bright and brash young girl, not afraid to get in trouble and cause a ruckus. Everything changed after her mother was caught cheating, and ran away with the man, leaving Tsuyami and her father in Japan. At first things seemed fine, until Tsuyami began to notice changes in her father's behaviour, such as him becoming agitated easily- violent even. It was at this point the young girl began to distance herself from others, shutting herself in her room as often as she could. Her father, enraged at how much his daughter looked like his wife, would often have lapses in reality and treat her as if she was her cheating mother. In an attempt to avoid the problem, she began bleaching her hair white (originally black). Tsuyami ends up in E class due to her failing grades, as she lacked the mental strength to focus or understand her homework. Although initially scared of her teacher, she has grown to appreciate him and actively goes against their training to assassinate him. 


- Although not physically strong, Tsuyami is extremely flexible. Great for playing hide and seek with.

- Because her father is not the most reliable guardian, Tsuyami has to fend for herself more often than not, resulting in her rather sickly and underweight appearance. 

- She has a strong love of sweets, especially white chocolate. 

- Tsuyami looks up to and idolizes strong women, like Wonder Woman or Princess Leia. She' latched onto Irina as a rolemodel. 

- She gets along well with Nagisa due to the fact she mistook him for a girl at first.