Kouki Midori



8 years, 10 months ago


Name: Kouki Midori

* Her name: Kouki is Japanese for "Light"
and her last name Midori means "Green".
Birthday: September 26
Gender: Female Height: 10cm (3.9 in )
Weight: 5.5lbs
Age: 17 Species: Youni


 Description/Personality: Kouki is a Youni who bound to stun you (be it her size or cute charm). She loves to explore, and especially enjoys spending her time by rivers or moving bodies of water (though she will never swim, she is deathly afraid). Kouki will shy away from humans or creatues that are about five times larger than her, as she fears anything they could possibly do to her (even if she trusts a human, it is still hard for her to get over this fear). Yet she is dazzled and craves cheesecake, more than any other sweets. You can often hear her singing as she wanders the wilderness.

Likes:  CHEESECAKE, Exploring, Moonlight, Insects, Lizards, The Sun and stars

* Cheesecake in all capital letters cause she is very enthusiastic about it, albeit less than moonlight. .

Dislikes:  Large creatures, Dark  places, cloudy night skies, Centipedes, Spiders, Rain