TBN's Comments

Hai there! I currently have https://toyhou.se/10366231.unnamed UFO and was wondering if they would potentially interest you in trade for this peak? I could potentially add on a runi Myo (although I am very tent, as I do have an idea for it, so preferably only if necessary!)

Sadly their nfs atm! 

Heya! Would you possibly be interested in an Uncommon Runicwing Myo in trade? I can absolutely add onto my offer if necessary, do you have any preferences? 

Hey! I am interested in a runi myo but sadly I dont think id do it for this guy! As for add ons I like fantribe ocs! 

Understood, TY tho!

Hi, sorry to bother but this guy is an absolute dreamie for me, I was wondering if it's okay to add them to my wishlist/dreamies list? For clarification, my dreamies list is more of a "really love to stare at this design" than a "want to obtain" list, as I understand that the latter can make some people uncomfortable!

Im ok with that! Thanks for asking! 

Awesome, Ty! Can I also ask if you're taking offers on them currently? If you don't feel comfortable answering, or with me asking that sort of question, I understand and apologise, just figured it couldn't hurt!

Its all good! Their not ufo atm but if they ever go up I can lyk! 

Really appreciate that, thank you!