Demon (UF1 Move list)



2 years, 3 months ago


Origin: Demon was infamous known for causing destructive wishes, however when he was summoned by a cult he was imprisoned under their control extracting every bit of power he had for a century. Once his powers were fully drained his body was too frail and lifeless to function, the cult no longer had a use for him and was discarded, however despite his state, Demon wondered aimlessly in the city looking for a worthy body to posses until he was stopped by a group of thugs who wanted to beat Demon up for fun, however a man (Matt Costanza) intervened and fought off the thugs, Demon was running out of time and knew the man (Matt Costanza) had potential and so took over his body regaining some of his strength and learn his attacks by accessing the man's memories, with this opportunity he waste no time to find all those responsible for stealing his powers.