Mandragora (Fallingstar)



1 year, 4 months ago


Name: Mandragora Fallingstar

Age: 160


Sexuality: Lesbian

Height: 6'3

Personality: Reforging has not been kind to Mandragora. Despite only one Reforging, she has become a recluse to an extreme extent. While she is a prominent member of the Stormhost of Astral Templars, she is not like the rest of her reforged brothers and sisters in arms. Finding little glory in displaying the pelts of animals on her armor and instead enjoying the meat of the kill and the satisfaction of succeeding. She is still an Astral Templar, and her love for violent sport has been the cause of many a friendly brawl. 

Bio: Mandragora's ascension to Knight Azyros was probably what many would celebrate achieving. As few are allowed to wield the Celestial Beacons of Sigmar himself, she found it as one more reminder that she had failed. Wielding a weapon that would bring pain to any that would oppose the god-king, yet never allowed to turn it on the one god she deemed most worthy of pain and suffering. Despite this, she does her duty as she has been trained her entire life to do so. 

Now she has been stationed in her home realm of Hysh. The temple she had used and abused her entire mortal life was reduced to rubble by her own hands. She had no remorse and no one was left alive when she arrived with her loyal followers. In the process, recovering many lost sigmarite artifacts that she had not realized were stolen by her home temple.


  • Flight
  • Scouting
  • Swordsman ship
  • A bit too passionate
  • Reclusive
  • writing 
  • fighting
  • food
  • Talking
  • Morathi
  • Reforging