


Idk, but she's happy


Puffin's father was a young vagabond that travelled from place to place before eventually being found by the Icewings. Here, he integrated extraordinarily well for a Rainwing being held captive. This was mainly because of the dudebro dragon guards that chatted with him in his cell. Having no where else to go, and tired with wandering for so long, Okapi decided to spend a short while in the Ice Kingdom. Needless to say, the "short while" wasn't very short.

Several years later, Puffin came to be. Being raised as an only dragonet allowed her to inherit both of her parent's eccentricities, leaving a clumsy prank-loving dragon who'd much rather sit in a hot spring than sit in the sun or snow.

  • likes to shake snow on random dragons
  • sleeps in weird places
  • tries to go invisible sometimes, this only freaks everyone else out
  • because only small patches of her scales can shift color
  • she's never actually seen a puffin but plans to sometime
Design Notes
  • eyes have a swirl-like design coming from one side of the pupil
  • TBA
  • TBA
  • TBA
  • TBD


11 years


5m tall
