


2 years, 3 months ago



Male (he/him)





The Neighbourhood - Devil’s Advocate
"None avoid my gaze. I am always present, watching."


A calculating and mysterious male, his true emotions and motive remain elusive to most. He is a large (7'1) feathered male, a bite scar branding his face. He is a hunter, persistent and ruthless. Hawk usually behaves friendly and welcoming with others, willing to participate in most activities in order to gain the favor of others. He is keen and quick to pick up on the small behavioral traits others have. One of Hawks strong traits is that he is loyal to the people he serves- although this only ever applies to the alphas or the current highest ranking online. This usually extends to his 'friends' and especially his family. Once one has earned his trust, he'd easily go to the end of the earth for them. Deception and aggression is not forgotten easily, and Hawk will easily retaliate in due aggression. He is a doting and loyal mate (mono strong).

Courting Overview

Monogamous strong - Average to hard courting difficulty.

Mating Status: Mated to Isolde. Not looking for new suitors.

  • Will only be receptive to females.

For courtship, Hawk will not usually initiate courtship. This means that he has to know that his courtee is also interested in him before he will begin seeking her out. Courtship is initiated once the two share a dance. Hawk will only accept courtship should he have a positive/neutral bond with them prior. Should he not be bonded enough, already have a dedicated courtee/mate or are not interested in them in that way, Hawk will not accept courtship. Due to past experiences, Hawk does not prefer to openly court, preferring to show affection in a more private setting. Will not hesitate to prove his affections publicly if needed although.

Once Hawk begins courtship he will not be receptive to other potential partners unless he loses interest in his current partner, or the pairing does not work out. Hawk does prefer if his mate knows how to hunt, but it is not something he demands out of a partner as he can provide if necessary. Hawk is more concerned about his partners personality - he will want to know what she is like and how she behaves. Being too submissive or too aggressive when unneeded will not earn his favor, as he aims for a competent mate who can be independent in his absense. If possible, Hawk will introduce them to Chthon and Megami before courtship finishes. Gaining their approval will significantly help with courtship, and vice versa if they disapprove. Should during the courtship process the female flirt with other utahs consistently or become unreceptive, he will loose interest- this includes if she is not willing to acknowledge his efforts. If this occurs during mateship, it is very likely he will attack her and thereafter loose complete interest in the female. Making their bond near impossible to repair.

Dominance Behaviour

Neutral / Dominant alignment.

Hawk is a neutral/dominant aligned utah. He will not usually display submissive behaviours to anyone except the alphas, his family, his mate and some exceptions. When it comes to mock-assessing or meeting new utahs for the first time - their rank and reaction usually plays a big part in the way he first greets them. Hawks more dominant aligned personality usually means the male gets into dominance scraps often. When he is in the position of stranger, he is far more careful with his approach, and will be careful with the fights he picks.

Character Alignment

True Alignment : Neutral Evil

Hawk is willing to step on, betray, take advantage of, hurt, and kill others to reach his goals to get what he wants. He has no difficulty working with others so long as his own needs are met. However, he has no difficulty betraying former companions or packmates if there is gain for himself or his family in doing so. While Hawk will willingly betray packmates, he will not betray those that are considered his ‘family’, as their interests and values as just as important to him as his own. He would be willing to sacrifice himself for them even if it would not benefit himself. Hawk does not respect other packmates as individuals like himself with feelings and needs; rather they are tools or obstacles inferior to himself or his family. His respect is not given to just anyone, it is earned by hard work, loyalty and shared values. Trust, is something that is even harder to earn from Hawk; there are even fewer that Hawk genuinely trusts due to the fact that he is never presenting his ‘true self’.

Presenting Alignment : True Neural

As a true neutral Hawk is concerned with his own well-being and that of his group/pack which aids him. He may behave in a good manner to those he considers friends and allies, but will only act maliciously against those who have tried to injure or threaten him in some way. For the rest, he does not care. He does not wish ill on those that he does not know, but he also do not care when he hears of evil befalling others. Better for others to suffer the evil than himself and his allies. If an ally is in need, the true neutral will aid him, out of genuine love or because he may be able to count on that ally a little more in the future. If someone else is in need, they will weigh the options of the potential rewards and dangers associated with the act. If an enemy is in need, they will ignore him or take advantage of his misfortune.

  • MUTATIONS: Feathered, colourblind.
  • SPARS: 13 / 2 / 5 [Wins / Draws / Losses]
  • KILLS: 2 apexes, 4 psudos, 16 midtiers, 12 lowtiers.


  • Green eyes with red pupils.
  • Bite scar on left face.
  • Scratch mark on tail.
  • Colours are symmetrical on both sides.
  • Forked tongue.



One of the few utahs that Hawk has ever trusted to know his condition. Hawk thinks highly of the eyeless creature, seeing him in an almost brotherly light. Albeit the two do not speak to eachother directly, there is a great understanding of one another that the duo have. Hawk is very loyal of the utah regardless of his different appearance, and should need be- would easily back up the other male. Hawk enjoys the thrilling hunts that the duo find themselves in. He will not easily give up his trust with this male, and knows that Chthon is aware of this. Hawk's loyalty to the male is binding, and with just one glance - Hawk would follow the command of his brother-in-arms in an instant. There is no extent to what he would do for the male if need be.


Powerful, dangerous and loyal. Megami is apart of Hawks inner circle, her strength and hunting prowess is admirable and exceptional. He is appreciative of the trust and protection she has offered to him, and he will not forget her kindness and care for him. She has earned Hawks upmost loyalty in the pack, on par with the loyalty he has for Chthon - he views her as some kind of older sister. She is one of the few raptors Hawk has trusted with the knowledge of his condition. Hawk is much more vocal about his care and respect for Megami, always greeting her with friendliness. He looks up to her in a way, always wondering what to do in order to gain her approval or avoid her disappointment. Hawk is far from perfect, but hopes that when she looks at him - she sees someone she can rely on for support and loyalty in the absence of Chthon or others.


An imposing feathered female, Isolde caught Hawks attention and curiosity the first he laid eyes on her. She is much alike him in the aspects that they share names based of 'Birds of Prey'. Hawk has observed her as a keen and dangerous hunter, opportunistic and calculating when facing prey or threat. He respects her shared eagerness for the hunt, and is proud to know that she is by his side. His feelings for her are genuine and true- and he hopes that she may never doubt that. Her presence calms him, and his heart flutters with every smile she gives. Hawk recognizes her as a worthy mate. Hawk is mated for life with Isolde, till death do them part. "You've got my body, flesh, and bone"

Character Name

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