


2 years, 2 months ago



This is just a storage for backgrounds I make for my character profiles. These are character specific backgrounds, each character gets their own kinda unique background so there's going to be a lot of them. You are free to use them though just link back here to give me credit. The section known as "for characters" has been permanently deleted and for those that used them I apologize, I didn't really use them and now more focused on repeating patterns.

All images, excluding the ones in the "Other" section are 150 x 150 in size and are repeating patterns so if your using them for a background please do not use the background size property otherwise the image will be bigger, non repeating, and blurry!! Also all tabs for repeating patterns will have a max of 150 images so their easier to go through, once there is multiple tabs I will make a directory on the main page here to make it easier to find everything.

If you like how one of the backgrounds look but not the color, feel free to save it and edit it and reupload it, just give me credit for making it originally.