


2 years, 2 months ago

Basic Info


Ye-arha (pronunciation: yay-are-hah)


Sky-Taster, The Yearning God, God of Yearn, He Who Eats The Sky


God (Fallen Kretyaa)




Mostly Vodohayak. Also occasionally roams Raarkajkr.


diety of VODOHAYAK:

Sky-taster   The Yearning God, Ye-arha.

  • A sky-dandelion whos like super fuck off tall, head of sky-lion and legs of a deer or smth. Lanky and tall
  • Manifests in fields of Sky-lion , goes on rampages if not enough sky-lions are around or if a field is damaged/destroyed. Obsessed with the color of the sky, wants to be tall enough to eat it. also to feel it, through his fields of sky-lion.
  • If Ye-arha gets too tall, every so often a creature has to track him down to cut his legs so he doesn't start to eat the sky. There are places where the Sky is empty and staticky, where Sky-Taster has successfully taken a bite. In these places, the ground/area below is unbearably hot, and it feels wrong to stand there, makes creatures feel ill and weak.
  • Can be summoned by (usually growth magicians) by planting/growing many sky-lions at once. or by destroying many at once. Appearing either out of curiosity or rage.
  • There are several breeds of sky-lion. some let out poisonous gases, so creatures try to plant/encourage the ones that DON'T to grow more than the poisonous ones. Ye-arha may spawn fields of poisonous sky-lion if enraged.
  • actual size he manifests as can fluctuate. usually at least as tall as a big tree or smth. (the second pic in his gallery is like... like largest he could ever be LOL I accidentally drew him too big oop). Can also manifest in more than one place at once, but usually has no reason to. It takes up more energy/keyaa to keep up more than one physical form tho so usually has to rest/recharge afterward.

Rituals/trads surrounding Sky-Taster

  • creatures of vodohayak avoid wearing sky-blue or having blue possessions for fear of these attracting Ye-arha and his hunger. Creatures born with blue-pigment are shunned, seen as unlucky, and often are prone to illness and bad-luck if they remain in vodohayak. Blue plants are also generally uprooted or killed if they are near important buildings or settlements (but kept, if at a shrine for the sky-taster).
  • Will give blue dye or stained blue glass/cloth as offerings to Ye-arha to show their respect and ask for good luck in their endeavors/what they are yearning for.