


2 years, 3 months ago


"You don't need a reason to save people."
Name Iasion
Nickname Sion, Isa
Age yearly thirties (deceased)
Gender stallion (he/him)
Species pegasus
Occupation the royal guard captain
Voice claim Martin Freeman
Status married to Estella
    Good-natured - righteous - noble - cocky - dutiful - family-oriented
    Iasion is, put simply, what people call "a good guy". Moral, rightful and placable, there is not a drop of malicious intent behind his thoughts. Since colthood he was particularly adored by his father amongst the bunch of different step-siblings, and so he was raised with all the ambition and thirst for glory a young stallion of his age is usually full of. He's a go-getter, not the one to stand in the shadows when opportunity unravels right in front of him; full of dreams of being in the royal guard, he's always been the most competent son to achieve that, quick-footed and brave. Iasion strives on being liked, as he was always surrounded by attention from others, resulting in a cocky and light-hearted attitude and eloquency. There's no fooling by his overly-righteous demeanour: this guy is a huge dork! It takes little to pop his bubble of decency and military composure, - he'll jump at any opportunity to flaunt his collection of recognition badges, medals and honours, if asked.
    Iasion, perhaps to a fault, is a stallion of his word. He takes his promises seriously, and expects others to follow their words as well, which counters him to the less honourable individuals. Even otherways, Isa is equally friendly to everyone on his way: a true social butterfly, he excels at being well-humoured, genuine, and overall likeable. He's a great, faithful friend, a potent ally, loving husband and an adoring father, who takes special pride in everything he does, and his loved ones. Iasion's Achilles' heel is the prominent "saviour" complex: he plays the role of a local hero perhaps too devotedly, stopping at nothing to help a horse/human in need, throwing himself at the heart of storm. Nonetheless, his genuinity is unmistakable.