


2 years, 4 months ago

Basic Info






18 - 19


genderqueer (she/they on Earth)




6'4 (193 cm)

Hair Color:

deep purple with 'oil-slicked' streaks

Eye Color (day hours):

pale yellow-green

Eye Color (night hours):



teals, blues, and some purple accents


unknown on the Earth calender


3 (the performer) with a 4 wing


runaway ; thief ; planet/dimension hopper

Voiced by:

Marisha Ray



In a few words, Gwyn is difficult to read and pin down. Most first impressions will find her to be a guarded individual: a bit prickly, cynical, and wary of why you've chosen to try interacting with her. But if you're deemed non-threatening... it still isn't all that easy to get a read on her. Gwyn can be a bit of a social chameleon, often changing and molding her behaviors to better mesh with those around her or the situation she finds herself in. She has a need to impress and succeed, often choosing optimism to further drive her and her ambitions, which results in a restlessness if there's nothing to do or no one to 'check in' with. Maybe due to her self-inflicted pressure to keep her sister safe or how hard she had to work to garner attention from her parents, Gwyn is of the belief that love--and her value as a person--has to be earned and earned continuously. She'll make active efforts to do things valued by the people around her she loves. She's focused, naturally competitive, and she takes failure hard. Living under the mindset "who we are and who we need to be to survive are two very different things" has lead to Gwyn losing touch with her true self many times. If asked what she wants or how she truly feels about something, she might struggle to give you an authentic answer. 


Aislinn (twin sister):
Throughout their childhood, Gwyn and Aislinn (Ash) often found that they only had each other. While their parents weren't wholly neglectful, they were engaged in their work studying the nature of soul-binding and other aspects of their planet's magic. This resulted in busy days, late nights, and scattered pieces of free time and attention to give to their daughters. Ash and Gwyn found ways of garnering attention--often by causing trouble in their village or picking fights with other peers; 'bad' attention is still attention, after all. Word of their parents's research into a conscious weapon eventually reached Darach, who ordered the family murdered and the weapon they were developing seiged. During the attack, Ash was stabbed by the weapon while protecting Gwyn, and the gem in its core absorbed her soul and spirit. While her physical body died, she remains alive and conscious inside of the weapon, and she's able to change its form and shape to suit whatever Gwyn needs in a fight. Whether it's because she just knows Gwyn that well--or the fabled twin telepathy--she can morph seamlessly in the midst of battle. The sisters love each other more than life itself, and Gwyn's current and only priority is finding a way to either get Ash a new body or restore her old one. They've heard speak of something called a 'time scepter'... maybe that's the key.

No one knows what dark hole in the woods Darach crawled out of, just that he's cunning, cold, and has a habit of getting what he wants. Darach is an old druid who studies the energy that flows from life into death and back again, and he's just as dangerous with his magic as he is with a sword. It's no wonder, then, that talk of a conscious weapon powered by a trapped soul would snag his attention. The assassins he sent down on Gwyn and Ash's home half-succeeded. They killed three of four family members as well as found and 'activated' the weapon they'd been sent to retrieve. But the sole survivor not only killed them, she took the weapon and ran... and destroyed every scrap of research or development her parents had, making it impossible to replicate their work. His only hope for recreation, now, is to take the weapon for himself and study it. And take it, he will. Though he prefers to stay in the shadows, sending strange creatures and hired help after Gwyn in his place, old rumors have begun to resurface. Tales of destruction and death, a 'companionship' forged in fire, with an intergalactic war criminal.

Perhaps unsurprisingly, Mikey was the first of the brothers to get past Gwyn's barriers. It DID help that they'd heard of him during their prior planet-hopping adventures--stories of the Battle Nexus, and how he'd defeated, and spared, Kluh. An honorable history that assured them Darach wouldn't consider Mikey, nor his brothers, 'useful' in luring the sisters into a false sense of security. Mikey's enthusiasm and genuine curiosity was endearing to her (not to mention, his natural charisma and eagerness makes it easier to read him, 'meld' and interact with him). During one of their camp-outs on Earth he made a habit of bringing her comics to read, introduced her to Earth's "junk food", and went out of his way to warn them that Darach had appeared in the city. Mikey's heart and desire to do good is something she's still having a hard time understanding (as she's done nothing to earn or warrant his kindness), and in the short time they've known each other he's already left an impact on her. She's grateful to call him a friend.

Things got off to a rough start between Raph and Gwyn, albeit it wasn't necessarily because they didn't get along. Both are highly protective of their families--and both for damn good reasons. Raph's skepticism and wariness collided with Gwyn's suspicion and secrecy, causing much of their early interaction to be tense, if not walking the line of an argument. As time passed, this common ground--the unshaken need to keep their family members safe--became the foundation of a deeper understanding. For most of Raph's life his family was all he had, and Gwyn could say the same for Ash. Gwyn respects Raph's unflinching courage and loyalty, as well as his struggle to live with and untangle the powerful emotions that often make a home in his chest. His willingness to throw himself in front of danger and take a hit for someone else... bothers her, however. She's been the protected, had to watch the life literally drain from a loved one after they took a blow meant for her. It's not that the gesture is unappreciated. She just can't bear the thought of it happening again... and she hopes he sees himself as more than a glorified meat-shield.

For the most part, Leo and Gwyn get along well. As with Raph, his sense of family and devotion is something that resonates with her. They can sometimes have an unspoken understanding during rough or tense situations, allowing them to improvise their way out of a tight spot without exchanging many words at all. Their paths diverge a bit when Gwyn is willing to cut corners to get things done, and Leo insists on doing things "correctly"--making sure all the "t"s are crossed and the "i"s dotted. While sometimes frustrating for each other, this difference in approach also takes some of the pressure off Leo's shoulders; Gwyn has a way of airbrushing failures into being a success--choosing to seek out the silver-lining even after she might have botched something--and when Leo starts to kick himself, she's quick to stop him. They can be highly entertaining to watch in more casual settings. It took Gwyn all of ten minutes (and a few hints dropped by Mikey) to learn all the ways she could coax out Leo's competitive side, and she enjoys turning petty disagreements or problems into some sort of contest that he can't turn away from.

As with Mikey, Don's kindness and complete willingness to help her is something Gwyn can't quite grasp. Though he's more reserved and reticent than Mikey is, it hasn't taken Gwyn long to recognize the heaviness in his eyes or the fear behind specific hesitations. After Darach tried, and failed, to read Don's life experiences and find traces of the sisters, Mikey told her the encounter had left his brother shaken. Gwyn gifted him a seletine necklace to pass on to Don, understanding how gross it feels to have another try reaching into your head. It'd be a while before she learned Don had experienced a horror like that long before Darach arrived. To say Gwyn admires that Don hasn't allowed his trauma to turn him cold would be an understatement. She enjoys hanging out in the same space as him, whether they're talking or just doing their own separate things. She gets a kick out of the moments his more sarcastic and punchy side comes out, and she enjoys listening to him talk about whatever idea has his attention in the moment (even if she doesn't always get it). They both share a love for life and a curiosity toward new things.

(coming soon)

Cassia Dubois:
(coming soon)

Breanne O'Neil:
A singular word to describe how Gwyn feels about Bree: protective. While she hasn't interacted with Bree face-to-face that much, the energy and liveliness that Bree carries with her is something not only endearing to Gwyn but also comforting. She can't quite put her finger on it, but something about Bree's company reminds her of simpler times. Back when she and Ash explored the forests and rivers around their village, climbed the ruins, and imagined up grand stories and adventures. Before Don built Gwyn her own shell-cell, she borrowed Mikey's and gained access to Bree's frequent sketchbook photos. She doesn't understand why the snail is a pirate, sailing to distant lands and collecting treasure, but... she thinks it's pretty neat.

Min-ji Seong:
If she's being honest, Gwyn is unsure how she feels about Min-ji. The two of them got off on clumsy footing, and Gwyn's initial suspicion paired with Min-ji's learned paranoia hasn't exactly made for easy "getting to know each other". In their handful of interactions, they've kept each other at a distance. Whether or not they'll be able to get past these hesitations to get closer remains to be seen.