Scatterstrike's Ownership

Please read the Characters FAQ for further information on permissions and original ownership!

Character Permissions

Can be regifted
Can be retraded
Cannot be resold

Design Terms of Use

Crisis-aversion Global Rules

Thank you for purchasing/planning to purchase one of my designs! These are my terms of service, PLEASE make sure to read everything; I reserve the right to revoke any design if I find you have not complied with these rules! 

Everyone must read these rules, including mutuals. I may be more lenient on mutuals but that does not make you exempt from following these rules. If you have any questions please ask, I'll do my best to clarify for you.

If nothing else make sure to read the character worth note at the bottom as breaking that rule will result in temporary blacklisting for the first offense and permanent blacklisting for the third!!!

You MAY:
-Give the character any name, backstory, relationships, etc.
-Use the character in any universe, regardless of the design's original intention
-Depict the character in any form of gory or otherwise sensitive/thematic situation as desired (see below)
-Redesign the character (PLEASE see below)
-Retrade/gift/sell the character (PLEASE see below) 

You may NOT:
-Redesign the character to the point they cannot be recognized (alternate forms that are different species is fine but if they can't be identified as the original design it breaks this rule. If you want to change them that much simply make a new character)
-Resell/trade for more than the purchasing price plus the worth of any additional art made or obtained (eg. if you originally paid one headshot for a design, and had added two headshots to their gallery, you could resell them for the worth of those three headshots, but NO MORE)
-Depict the character in any sort of sexual situation
-Depict the character fully nude

(I apologize if you find the above two rules too restrictive, but I am uncomfortable being associated with such things. I don’t care what you do, so long as it’s not with my designs)
-Sell, trade, gift, or otherwise aid in the acquisition of any of my designs to anyone on my blacklist
-Any design I have gifted to you (or have otherwise not received any compensation for the time spent on the design, eg those won in a raffle) cannot be traded without prior authorization. This includes most designs owned by mutuals unless you can provide proof you paid or I remember you paying (as most designs owned by at least two of my mutuals have been gifted to them)
-Resell/trade/gift WITHOUT alerting me of the new owner 
-If you do trade without telling me (and I find out) you will be warned and requested to provide the trade info so I can see that you haven't broken other rules. If I find you've broken other rules on top of trading without telling me it will result in temporary or permanent blacklisting (depending on the severity of the offense). If you have not broken any other rules but fail to alert me of a sale a second time you will be permanently blacklisted and have all designs owned by me revoked. 
-Once on TH my designs cannot be deleted off the site without prior authorization

I reserve the right to:
-Check the character's gallery as I wish (I get bored sometimes and like to check up on some of the art my designs have gotten and that they have good homes)
-Reuse any aspect of the design in another
-Draw gift art of the character if I feel like doing so (this does NOT add to the resale value of the design)
-Revoke any character(s) I wish if I find these rules have been broken by their owner

Trading rules:
-You may not aid anyone on my blacklist in obtaining any of my designs, I rarely add anyone so if they're on it I have a very good reason for it
-You may not resell free designs (gifts, raffle designs, etc.) for any amount. You may retrade them if you have obtained art of them by another user (be it commissioned, from an art trade, or some other way). Other wise you may only regift them
-You must alert me of changes in ownership (transferring to your own alt account does not count as long as I know it's still you)
-Designs may only be resold for the amount paid plus the value of any added art (by yourself or others) (this includes personal art, commissions, and art payment, but does not include gift art or art games like Art Fight.)
-You must wait one week before trading the design unless you have obtained specific permission to trade before the cool down is over

-If you have been transferred the design before payment is finished (usually in the case of design trades or mutuals) and have not provided the payment after the agreed upon time, I will reach out to question when it will be finished. If you refuse to finish payment I reserve the right to revoke the design not paid for. If you insist on keeping the design but still refuse to finish paying I will revoke all of my designs you own and add you to the blacklist. Please be respectful and remember to pay for what you said you would, thanks!

Character worth note:

ALL designs have a base value of zero

The worth of what you paid for the design adds to the design's resell value (eg. if you offered a headshot worth $1 the design is worth $1)

Gifted/raffle designs (or designs obtained in such a way as I (or the seller if not obtained directly from me) do not profit) may not be sold until new art is added. Their value resets to zero and the value may only be added to by art added after obtaining the design.

The worth of additional art obtained for the character adds to the design's resell value (eg. if you added a headshot drawn by yourself that was worth $1, it will add $1 to its worth; if you commission someone for a full body worth $5 it will add $5 to its worth when the art is added to its gallery)

Commissioned art (including art trades) only counts toward the design worth if it is in its gallery; if you have a commission you are waiting on that has not been finished it counts as potential worth (ie. you may entertain offers of up to the worth of the character with that art included but may not actually sell it for that price until the art is in the gallery)

Gift art (eg. anything you are given of the design (made by others) where you do not give anything in return) does not add to the value.

!Failure to comply with these rules may result in temporary or permanent blacklisting depending on the severity of the offense!


Smooshkin: Refusal to correct body type on a commission, trying to call the commissioner a scammer for requesting the change

Fvrret: Grooming

Zekromm: Grooming