Sally Acorn



2 years, 4 months ago


I don't claim Sally as my own character just this design of her. This is my interpretation of her for my AU

General Information

Name: Sally Acorn 

Nickname: Allie, Sal

Age: 21

Nationality: NA

Place of Birth: Knothole

Current home: Knothole, Acorn Acres 

Job Title: Daughter of the village Leader, Leader in training

Weapons:  Has a rope with a hooked claw that allows her to swing from trees or anything else it can wrap around

Relationship status: Single 

Hobbies: Tree climbing, reading, training, sightseeing 

Likes: Sunny days, being outdoors, being around others, being challenged, being in charge, debates, history, meeting new people, going on missions/adventures, peanut butter, chocolate

Dislikes: Cold weather, the dark/nighttime, being talked down to, being told she can’t do something cause she’s small/weak/girl, 

Bad habits: Plays with her hair when she’s nervous/ anxious, stubborn, can be bossy, curious, can have a hard time letting things go, speaks her mind (can get her into trouble)

Good habits: Always ready to stick up for others, well mannered, good sense of direction, patient, kind-hearted, brave, curious 

Strengths: Strong-willed, independent, leadership skills, fast on her feet and in the trees, good eyesight (daytime only), in shape/ can throw a good punch

Weaknesses: Can’t see well at night (sight disadvantage), easily frustrated if things don’t go to plan, hard-headed, lousy cook, keeps things bottled up


Childhood: TBA

Teenager: TBA


Siblings: None

Parents: Alicia deceased, Maximillian

Love interests: Gear, TBA

Friends: Clover, Chester, Gear, Gizmo, Sparkle, CeCe, Bunnie 

Other important persons: Chuck, Julie, Chris, Knuckles,

Enemies: Raja, Raja’s pack

Mental Characteristics 

Education: Sally is well-educated thanks to her father and her access to books. Her family library has a vast amount of knowledge on their planet’s history. Sally is a history nerd and has read any books she can find on the topic. She is also knowledgeable of how to live off the environment around her.

Self-Perception: Sally is confident in her abilities and takes her role as a leader in training very seriously. She is always making time to check in on the villagers and ensure everything is up to date. As happy as she is Sally feels as though she’s missing out on something. She yearns to see more of the world but feels as though she’d be betraying her role as a leader by doing so. Even though family and friends surround her, she feels she has no one to confide in and feels lonely at times. 

Assumed External Perception: Sally is viewed as a confident and loyal leader. Her villagers adore her and know that if something needs to be done, she’ll see to that it is. 

Self-Confidence: Sally is confident in herself but does have moments of doubt. Sally wonders if she’s doing enough to help and strong enough to take on all the challenges ahead of her. 

Things That Upset Her: Being looked down on, losing, seeing others being hurt, 

Things That Make Her Happy: Being around friends and family, learning something new, helping others
