Ayden Jace



2 years, 4 months ago

Basic Info

Ω Age:


Ω Gender / Pronouns:

Male - He/Him

Ω Height/Weight:

155lbs / 5’8

ψ Demi-God or Legacy:


ψ Godly Parent:


ψ Fatal Flaw:


Ψ Key:


ψ Likes

Bright(everything) / Sweets / Friendly Bantering / Music / Rats

ψ Dislikes

Liars / Leafy Vegetables / Bullying / Being Touched (without warning) / Math

ψ Job:



ψ Fatal Flaw: 

Independence. Not in the stoic “I work alone” kind of way, but Ayden will very much so wander off on his own to check things out. Because of his fear of being a risk to the people around him, he often feels it's better to work independently so that no one gets hurt. Even if that ignores that fact that HE could be hurt.

ψ Stats: 

STR: 7
DEF: 10
DEX+2: 7
INT: 5
CON: 5
CHA: 8

ψ Weapon: Long bow named Nova.

Mist Form: Laser Pointer on a keychain. Each Key turns into an arrow.

ψ Abilities:

Plague Touch:   Contact with Ayden results in a bad sickness often referred to as some variation of "Ayden's Plague." Symptoms of this ability include: Body aches, fever, vomiting, abdominal pain, chills, bleeding from your mouth and nose, blackening of fingers, toes and nose, and fatigue. Consider it "bubonic Plague Lite" as it shares in many of the symptoms, but without the deadliness. It's like a very very bad flu. The one thing that makes it different however, is that all victims of Ayden's plague become covered in black oozing buboes that range from uncomfortable to painful. 

The sickness is contagious, but it weakens for each iteration that it spreads. Because of the nature of the Buboes forming first before the victim begins to feel ill, seeing someone ill with the buboes and then contracting the buboes themselves can result in mental strain as they anticipate and wait for a sickness that might not even strike them, depending on how far down the spread they happen to be.

Depending on how one came into contact with Ayden is how fast one can expect the sickness to develop:

Skin to Skin Contact: A victim can start to see symptoms within a few hours up to two days after contact.

Saliva or Blood Contact (So long as they are some how taken into the victim's body): Can result in almost immediate symptoms. Just touching Ayden's blood or Saliva will not result in immediate infection.

Much like with normal sicknesses, medicine, rest or a healer will make the symptoms go away effectively "curing" the victim.
If a victim does not have access to a healer or medicine, the plague will fade away after a day or two, with it getting weaker and weaker over that time. The first hours of symptoms are the worst.

Fellow Apollo kids are immune to this ability.

Wandering Eyes: When using this ability, Ayden can see through the eyes of anything around him. He can stay looking through eyes for as long as he can keep his open. While using this ability, he calls blinking "channel surfing" and has been known to spend his alone time just seeing what's going on in the world around him. It's an ability that helps his feel connected to people even though he is never close to them.

Unless someone is standing in front of a mirror, he is unable to know who's eyes he is looking through. Though Demigods and monsters feel a little different.

He has a kilometer range with his ability. It is great for knowing if anyone is sneaking up behind him.

The headphones he wears were a gift from Apollo which allow him to hear through the ears connected to the eyes he is looking through. 

Plague Absorption: Just as Ayden can make people sick, he can also take that sickness away by absorbing it into his body. However, this ability does not work on anything that is genetic in nature. Though removing sickness from a person's body could be considered a healing ability (and to a certain extent, it is) Ayden cannot make the individual "better." Whatever state their body was in before Ayden takes the sickness out will be the state of their body once the sickness is removed. The person will just not get any worse.

Absorbing a lot of new sickness or disease at one time can be overwhelming for Ayden and may require him to rest for a while so his body can reconstitute its self.

A very smart person may be able to figure out a way to use Ayden's blood to make vaccines.

ψ Personality:

Ayden is a shy golden retriever. He is friendly, and kind and is very loyal. However due to having a near constant anxiety about making people sick, he can come across as quiet or distant, which often contrasts with his easy smile and willingness to help out anyone in need. People may describe him as "odd" or "hard to get a read on." because of this.

In a certain sense, Ayden can be considered guarded. Though this is not in a manner of withholding feelings or thoughts, but more so in how close he allows other people to get to him. For those unaware of the reason for his distance, he can be easily be misunderstood as being meek or possibly aloof.

Around his fellow Apollo siblings, he is more likely to show a more energetic side of himself where he loves to share in bantering and jokes and physical closeness. Naturally to outsiders this can make Ayden look like he has Apollo Cabin biases. 

ψ History: 

Before learning of his godly patronage, Ayden's life was grey. The relationship he shared with his mother was not bad, yet one could not deny that Sierra Jace lacked any sense of maternal connection to her son. It was more accurate to describe them as room mates then family as Sierra, being the tenacious and brilliant doctor that she was, focused her time and energy into her research instead of her family. This left Ayden to grow up quickly and often by himself.

Ayden desperately craved love and affection from his mother. This lead him to strive for good marks in school - though unlike his mother, academics were not his strong suite. This only seemed to further the divide between them as Sierra seemed to take Ayden's dyslexia and difficulty focusing as an insult against her. Eventually Ayden turned to music as an outlet for his frustrations, and picked it up quite naturally. After that, the Jace's came to an understanding that they each lived in different worlds.

Ayden never got much information out of his mother in regards to the identity of his father. "He was an experiment in impossibilities." She would say and then never divulge anymore information which often left poor Ayden with even more questions that would never be answered. At least not until a Satyr showed up at home and spoke of the Greek Pantheon as if they were more then just a subject from history.

After learning that demigods were not only real, but he in fact was one himself, Ayden became very excited to learn more. As someone desperately craving adult affection, he quickly jumped onto the idea that if his mom wasn't going to give it to him, maybe his father might, and with that he eagerly followed the Satyr to Camp Halfblood.

Of course the hope for paternal connection was quickly squashed upon learning that besides for Claiming, the gods did not really interact with their mortal offspring. Then to further add insult to injury, the manifestation of Ayden's gifts only forced separation between him and anyone around him. Not just his parents.

Coming to terms with the fact that his parents were never going to be the parents he wanted, Ayden switched his goals to proving that despite his abilities, he was still worth keeping around. While internally battling his fears and doubts, Ayden was seen as a happy camper who was quick to joke around and easy going. This made his friend group large, but unfortunately, his accidental victim count large as well.

Claiming: During a particularly lonely night, where the shadows outside seemed extra dark and extra menacing, Ayden held back his fear and loneliness by playing the piano his mother had gotten him a few years prior in a rare showcase of maternal affection towards her son.

For whatever reason, on this particular night, the music that came from his fingers did not ease his mind, and in fact only seemed to further point out that his living room concerts were always for an empty audience. 

Just as he was about to stop the music, a soft light filled the room around him and a shocked Ayden looked up to find a glowing lyre above his head. In a normal situation, Ayden probably would have been shocked and scared at this mysterious "thing" above him, yet the light was warm and for a moment, Ayden did not feel lonely.

As the light and the Lyre faded, a perplexed Ayden was startled by a knock at the door and when investigated, A Satyr barged in - changing Ayden's life for forever.

Missions: Because Ayden's first ability was his visual one, his ability to help out on missions as a scout was very useful. This eventually rewarded him with a gift from his father in the form of his magical headphones.
However once Ayden developed his plague abilities, his usefulness as a scout was quickly obstructed by the danger of his accidentally affecting his allies. This was proven when he volunteered for a mission that ended in tragedy after he accidentally infected his quest-mates during a dangerous encounter with a monster. Though no one died on that mission, Ayden considered it a failure on his part and decided that Camp wasn't a good place for him.

Leaving Camp Halfblood: Even though his mom was never going to be a "mom," she at least had found the idea of his abilities fascinating. So, knowing the risks, Ayden left Camp Halfblood and returned to living with his mother where he hoped that her background in diseases may someday help find him a "cure" for his terrible gift.

While living away from camp, Ayden was not naïve enough to think that his abilities were the only thing he had to worry about. So he worked diligently to keep up his training and when he wasn't training his body, he did his best to learn what he could about diseases with his mother. His dyslexia and trouble focusing made the learning part difficult, but he did his best.

Little Olympia: Ayden made his way to the island of Little Olympia with no announcement to his past camp-mates already living on the island. One could say he showed up out of the blue. He doesn't go into much detail about his time away from his fellow demigods, but he will say that he felt like it was his time to come back and make something of himself.

Being around a lot of people again is a bit overwhelming for Ayden at the moment, especially with him still enduring an anxiety about being too close to people. But he's very happy to be back and did not realize how much he missed being around people who are like him.


ψ Job: 

Sanitation! As the uncrowned "sickness king" of Little Olympia, Ayden takes germs and bacteria very seriously. He works hard to keep things clean and tidy and fresh. Whether as a janitor or collecting garbage and recycling for proper disposal. If you got a mess, Ayden will help clean it up!

ψ Extra Notes: Anything extra and fun about your demigod?

-Ayden has never been sick. Not even a cold or a flu. Though very strange, people chalked it off as being due to the fact that he lived with a doctor.

-People who knew Ayden before he developed his plague ability would recognize a change in him from how he was then to how he is now. He is much more reserved. 

-He may seem very down to earth and casual, but he takes his training very seriously.

-Because Ayden's body is full of sickness, medicine and vaccines have adverse affects on him and cause him to become very ill. 

-He has a special love for animals and insects that are known disease carriers. Rats are his favourite. Much to society's chagrin, he is known to feed the unwelcome wildlife.

-He is terrified of snakes thanks to being a child of Apollo

-Ayden totally licks his arrows before a major fight.