


2 years, 7 months ago


scarf on base of tail is optional! the flowers are not!

WindWhisper is a permanent queen who acts as an older sister to all of the clan's kits! As a kit, WindWhisper was a shy and reserved cat who preferred to stick around her mother than to play with the other kits. While she became more social as she aged, she still tended to keep to herself. Her friend group didn't mind this at all, and still chose to include her in their games and tongue-sharing even if she didn't contribute much. As an apprentice, she was relatively average in her training, though tended to need a lot of extra support from her mentor. In her apprentice hood, she had fallen in love with one of her friends, though didn't admit it until they had both become warriors. Moons had passed and the two had tried to have kits more than once. Finally the medicine cat had explained to WindWhisper that she might very well be barren. She was heartbroken, having wanted to desperately have her own kits since she had become a warrior. The next few moons she had trouble going out on patrol, falling into a slump of depression. To combat this, her role in the clan had become taking care of and playing with kits so the queens can have some time to themselves.