


2 years, 2 months ago

Basic Info


Samuel J. Rabbit








Samuel J. Rabbit is the host of a local children's variety show "Sammy's Corner", where each episode teaches moral lessons of some sort using his cast of puppets: Braum Bird, Sally the Melancholy Donkey, and Nelly the Sea Dragon. (Designs are subject to change)

Samuel is a very enthusiastic, almost goofy sort of person with most people he meets, and is beloved by all who watch his program.

Growing up however, it was hard for him to make friends due to his silly, oblivious nature, and often got weird looks from the other kids who couldn't relate to him in personality.

A more brighter part of his childhood however is that he loved puppets and stuffed animals, he loved the commercials he seen growing up that made use of them and wanted to work with them, so he took many opportunities for theatre and puppetry courses, and started out by puppeteering at local schools for presentations.

Eventually, these plays caught wind of the local broadcasting station in the town, and they reached out to him looking to see if he could make 13 episodes for syndication of his very own television show that taught about kind morals using his variety of original puppets, and he was delighted at this offer and got to work immediately.

The show became a hit, and later seasons even managed to include animated segments of the puppets and other characters, usually getting into situations revolving around the theme of the episode.

Samuel has his own house in which he lives alone, filled with all sorts of things he likes including fun little decorations and wall ornaments, but often fantasizes what it'd be like to have a beautiful wife to live with. Not in a weird way, but in a passionate, happy way, and how much he'd care for her and do what he could to make her happy. Of course, he does try to get to know women he meets and is currently friends with a few that he's worked with in production, but can't seem to muster up the courage to ask any of them out due to his socially awkward nature.