


6 years, 10 months ago


little doodle design for pari-cat! alolan ninentails/chansey!

Name: Eve

Personality: Eve is very upbeat and caring and loves to watch over others especially those who are younger than her. In her travels across town she always carries a bag full of foods and other useful items in case she runs into someone who may need her help. She's quick to help a stranger in need and loves making new friends. Her ultimate goal is to become someone who is famed for helping others so that she can know she's made a big impact on the world.  Don't be fooled although! Any tricksters that try to fool her will not be forgotten. She tends to give a very cold shoulder that is not shaken off too easily.

Likes & Dislikes:

+ snowy days 

+ cold foods (she carries these in her bag and doesn't understand why other people don't have the same tastes!)

+ smiling faces

+ long journeys and story telling

-any weather that isn't snowing 

-spicy foods (she's a wimp when it comes to them)

-crying people
