Seamus Shelley



6 years, 7 months ago

Basic Info


Seamus Shelley







Relationship Status:

Married to a fae named Kelly


Runs his own Chippy

Face Claim:

Jason Momoa

Voice Claim:

Gerard Butler



Seamus looks big, muscular and intimidating but in reality he is a huge family-orientated softie. His family mean the world to him and only if you upset them, will you feel his wrath.
Attractive and athletic,  He's a Cheerful, charming and confident individual who is extremely compassionate. Being a shellycoat, he naturally has a more mischivious side and is always up for a laugh.



Seamus had a happy childhood, growing up with loving parents who set his standard for relationship goals. He met the love of his life - a siren - when he was just 18 and although many said it was too soon, they soon got engaged and were married by 21. He thought the world of her and her him and it wasn't long before they had a beautiful baby boy that they named Kole. Life was good for many years until one day when his wife would suddenly just disappear. Seamus was distraught and searched high and low for her, refusing to give up. There was no way she would have left him and their son and all her clothes. No, something bad had to have happened to her. Police searched high and low but as days turned into weeks and weeks turned into months she was still nowhere to be found and eventually they stopped looking but Seamus soildered on determined to find her. He read Kole to sleep every night and reassured him they would find her but as the years went by, he was forced to face the fact she was gone without a trace.

He never dated anyone since then but by the time Kole was 15 or 16, Kole told his dad he needed to get back into the dating game and suggested he go travelling for a change of scenary. It was then that Seamus would travel to Japan and meet an attractive Kappa girl. The two hit it off and started a holiday romance but things turned sour when the kappa girl fell pregnant. She told Seamus not to worry because she was going to get rid off it but Seamus could not let her do that to his child and convinced her to at least give motherhood a go. To her credit, she did see it through and gave birth to a baby boy. Seamus tried to convince her to name the boy to help them bond but her mother instinct never kicked in so Seamus chose to name the boy Drake and returned to America.

From then on it was just Seamus and his 2 boys. That was all he needed. Until one day a fae woman named Kelly showed alot of intrest in Seamus. She was a single mother and had a daughter named Aisling around Koles age. Together Kole and Aisling pratically forced them on a date. At first Seamus was unsure. Kelly was an attractive lady but he didn't want history to repeat itself. He couldn't let the woman down though and reluctantly agreed. It was the best decision he ever made though. Soon finding out they had tons in commons and forgetting his troubles. They started to see each other more and more, began dating and eventually moved in together. The family of 3 was now a family of 5 and Seamus finally had a daughter. There family was complete... or so he thought.

Knowing Kelly was sterile and had difficult convieving Aisling, he never imagined they would have kids of their own but on the night of their wedding Kelly broke the news to him that she was pregnant. Seamus was ecstatic. He could not believe it! Him and his super sperm had struck again! The bump was soon christened their little miracle but that miracle would soon become 2 little miracles when they found out Kelly was actually carrying twins and on Valentines, Kelly gave birth to 2 healthy baby ghouls named Mira and Kelsey named after the Miracles they are! His family of 3, went to a family of 5 and grew to a family of 7. Seamus was the happiest father ever. He'd always loved kids and wanted a big family with a loving wife that loved kids as much as he did and now he had that. 2 Handsome boys and 3 Gorgeous girls!

Nature however, was not done yet! Seamus got a call from his ex that never wanted kids. She was pregnant again and didn't want the ghoul. Knowing the girl was biologically Drakes half-sister, Seamus knew he couldn't pass on the chance for Drake to get to know her and after talking to Kelly, they agreed to adopt her taking her in as there own.  Raising their family of 7 to a family of 8.